20 somethings

Tom Ellis is FINE. but is married to tamzine owthwaite... So disappointing...

Take care star hun. I'm watching Miranda, this episode is my favourite. I won't be able to keep up at this rate either.
I've had the best evening ever. Got in from work and had a headache so OH sat me down on the sofa and made me a brew. Then he brought his amazing sounding speakers through from his studio and set them up and let me choose the music, and then cooked me a beautiful steak with roast new potatoes, parsnips and roasted veg. And gave me a glass bottle of my favourite drink (Fentimans cherry tree cola) as a treat :D Now he's setting up the projector and we are going to watch a film. What a sweetheart :D

Here is my dinner :) (I could only eat half the steak though!)


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Felix said:
I've had the best evening ever. Got in from work and had a headache so OH sat me down on the sofa and made me a brew. Then he brought his amazing sounding speakers through from his studio and set them up and let me choose the music, and then cooked me a beautiful steak with roast new potatoes, parsnips and roasted veg. And gave me a glass bottle of my favourite drink (Fentimans cherry tree cola) as a treat :D Now he's setting up the projector and we are going to watch a film. What a sweetheart :D

Here is my dinner :) (I could only eat half the steak though!)

Bless him, he's a keeper ;)
Whoa, I go for a bath & come back to 3 pages worth of reading!

Jess, your pics look like completely different people, that's insane! You should be mega mega proud.

So I had a wonderful thought in the bath and decided I'd take 2 weeks off class and go swimming 3 mornings a week so by the time I go back my weight will have settled into exercise. Then I realised my pool doesn't open 'till 7.30am so it'd have to be evening swims - which I'm not so keen on. Might have to rethink.

D'you know those frozen berries you can get from the supermarkets. Can you just like eat them? I know that sounds really stupid but are they like cooking berries or something?
Clare - Yes you can - I have them on top of bran flakes and mullerlights for breakfast!

Jessikah - Welcome! And WOW!!! Congratulations. I was up in Whitley Bay earlier in the year doing a mini-holiday all over the North East! I introduced my OH to fish and chips with scraps and spent a rainy afternoon in the penny arcade!

Sparkle - Happy birthday! I hope you've had a brilliant day!

I'm going to follow Mandy's lead as I should have done aaages ago and head to bed. Thank you everyone for being so caring! xx
Nothing really, I just had it all planned logistically! It might work now that I'll be driving to/from work (or being driven I suppose) as it means I won't be heaving bags around or anything.
You sound so much more positive today it is lovely :) I got diagnosed with clinical depression when I was younger so I know it is horrendous. They went on about OCD and anxiety too but I wasn't in a position to care to be honest. So spotting it and working to pull yourself out is wonderful. I got told I will never get better so i just bum along as best I can and milk the good days :)
Night everyone, wont be sleeping for a while yet but probs wont be a late one for me either as ive been up since 6 and knackered lol

Hope you recover by the end of the weekend star, not nice when your so ill that it exhausts you without having done anything much and with ur holiday coming up you deserve to have a nice time for your birthday x
How ironic that this is an app for ppl losing weight yet the adverts on the bottom are for weight gain tablets lol only just noticed
Well good for you for keeping on with it bubbly, alot if people give up after 2 or 3 days because they are hurting so much but you have to push through it and after about 5/6 days it does get much better, the results you can get from it make it worth it, did you measure before you started?
Gooooood Morrrrrning Minimins! <--- in best Robin Williams voice.

Had an epic 13 hour sleep. Not long up. My eldest daughter got Fia up this morning and made her breakfast and even though the electricity went (I use a meter and the cards were in my purse), she just sat down with her, drawing and making Halloween decorations.
Very cold this morning! Brrrr. I think today I will give the house a good cleaning as I don't get a chance to do much during the week, especially this week! And then we'll light the fire and cosy up for a movie day. I will have to go to the shop at some point, and I might get bored being here by myself with the kids, so I may even walk up as far as my mother's. But that, so far, is the plan for today :D
Well we were going to go to Newcastle Xmas shopping, but the SNOW has scuppered those plans...yep that's right, snow...in October!!

So now I'm planning on spending my day on the couch, watching telly, reading magazines, on mini mins and maybe have a little snooze...god I love the holidays!! Xxx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Well whatever you guys get over there, we usually get here in Ireland as well. This morning is absolutely beautiful out but seriously cold. The frost on the rooftops hasn't even melted yet.