Jess its never too late to learn

Jenna I will come round and take your scales! Lol
Mandy your costume looks great!
Had a good day work wise not so good food wise went a bit crazy around 4.30- always my munchie time! Forgot to weigh in this morning as it was supposes to be my first at home weigh in, but its totm so I think I might take this as an opportunity to change my weigh day to Thursdays. This way I'll never be on totm on a weigh day (well all the time I'm on the pill anyway) so this may help me (clutching at straws!) First thing Thursday it is

More chilled out day with my charges tomorrow (im a nanny to two boys aged 7 and 4) arts and crafts I think including carving the pumpkin

I'm shattered so goodnight all! Xx