20 somethings

Well today is weigh day eek! Lol not till 7pm tho, try not to eat much before weigh in. Whata everyone up to today? Im just tidying up as usual not bk at work till thurs do making most of time off. Need to do another food shop soon, cant believe i got paid last week and its almost gone already!!!
With xmas coming up and a wedding nxt year ive got ALOT of saving to do lol xxx
jessikahlashes said:
I love baking cakes and things with the girls but I always ended up helping them lick the bowl haha, whenever we go to asda the kids always pick up these little pots in the baking section which have like the pre made dough and cutters and sprinkles and decorations for like a pound, the last time we went Bonnie got a ginger bread man pot and Lily got a short bread star biscuit pot and they had great fun with the dough and cutting and decorated and of course eating! X

I cant wait to do things like that with my daughter
Sparkle88 said:
I cant wait to do things like that with my daughter

It's lush! I've just blitzed my kitchen and cleaned the bathroom and now I'm sitting eating an apple, going to get the paints out soon and do some painting with the kids, god help me this will be messy haha x
aww those packs sound cute. i think i may be leaving a nice little bag of them for the postie, poor man has to walk up our stupid drive every day. i have to lock the gate because the damned dog can open the doors. That's if we get round to doing baking... it'll be our first attempt and i think it'll be grim. it'd be nice to do with my 3 year old niece, but she comes with the 2 year old niece who is very naughty and will not share and is just a horror, i am so not dealing with that!

Just done my teso shopping, scrap it'll be cheap! but they not have in things i've wanted to try for ages, like those linda macartney red onion sausages (Free), the low low cheese (1/2 a tub = hea), activia snackpot 0% fat banoffee (1 syn). also stocked up on mini syn treats and got some venison sausages (1 syn each) mmm. annoyed they have taken the extra lean beef mince off the offers. grr.

Son's woken up and i've not even made lunch yet. eep.
Franalamadingdong said:
aww those packs sound cute. i think i may be leaving a nice little bag of them for the postie, poor man has to walk up our stupid drive every day. i have to lock the gate because the damned dog can open the doors. That's if we get round to doing baking... it'll be our first attempt and i think it'll be grim. it'd be nice to do with my 3 year old niece, but she comes with the 2 year old niece who is very naughty and will not share and is just a horror, i am so not dealing with that!

Just done my teso shopping, scrap it'll be cheap! but they not have in things i've wanted to try for ages, like those linda macartney red onion sausages (Free), the low low cheese (1/2 a tub = hea), activia snackpot 0% fat banoffee (1 syn). also stocked up on mini syn treats and got some venison sausages (1 syn each) mmm. annoyed they have taken the extra lean beef mince off the offers. grr.

Son's woken up and i've not even made lunch yet. eep.

I do my tesco shop online, much prefer tesco meat and prices are much better, but for veg and fruit and bits through the week I go to Morrisons as OH works there so get discount, never tried venison! Is it really nice? Also want to try those Linda sausages so let me know what they're like and I'm get some next time! X
Hello lovely ladies!

The OH is a lot better today. I pretty much dragged him to see Skyfall last night despite him feeling so poorly and then on the way home he said he wanted a McDonalds! I didn't get him one though. About to head home for lunch so I gave him a call to see if he wanted anything and he's already ordered himself a stuffed crust pizza - you'd never know how horrendously ill he was on Sunday! So, Laura, there's light at the end of the tunnel!

Laura, I'm the same as you with being disheartened by gains. When I was last at SW I suddenly lost 4lb in one week, having had little losses at a time. The following week was a STS and I just felt so miserable about it. That said, there was no reason for the dramatic loss and no reason for the STS (other than balancing out), whereas you know you've been poorly. Maybe going to group having a good loss this week will make you super-focused to keep it that way?! :)

Jess, it took me forever to learn to ride a bike. I drove my parents mad. My brother is younger than me and he learnt before me. I've always had terrible balance and coordination. I had stabilisers for absolutely ages. Apparently I didn't need them for weeks before they finally came off but I was too nervous to cycle without them. My mum said they weren't even touching the floor! Eventually my dad took them off against my will! I used to cycle to school but I haven't been on a bike in years (except stationary ones at the gym!)

Interesting one about the person who kept forgetting how to swim! I've had 3 different swimming teachers and I've only got my 5m badge on each occasion... I just can't do it without drowning! I had a bf who was a lifeguard and I could manage a length (25m) with him. I am certainly not graceful in the water, that's for sure!

My weight went right up after the weekend but it's finally come back down again. I think I was retaining a lot of water after a boozy night out! I don't think I'll be getting my 1 stone award this week but definitely next week! On a mission!

Fran - I've got venison burgers for my tea tonight! Also 1 syn! So excited! Let me know how you find the Linda McCartney sausages - I've been buying the Tesco light choices ones but they just don't taste as good as fat sausages. I discovered the venison sausages were only 1 syn last night so they'll be on the shopping list for a wintery casserole too! Yum yum yum.
yeah, i love venison, i always have done, thinking of getting my dad's recipe for this amazing thing with them and lentils he does. mm. I was curious about the LM sausages, my consultant says they are great and her other (well behaved) groups rave about them, finally tescos is stocking them so i shall see. i have a green day planned for sunday as it is. I saw the burgers were one syn too but i have always made my own. So on sunday I shall update all on LM sausages

I also got more greek mullers as it is last week of the offer and decided to get one coconut one to experiment with.

Left the house, realised it was half term for some schools last week, and this week for others so i have no idea if it is on or not! gah! I decided to just let him have the ball pool balls which i rarely let him play with now because he just throws them all under the sofas and then cries for them! fool. And then i find half a dozen in the dog's bed!
I've decided (realised?) I need to stop beating myself up over having a packet of crisps. It's hardly that one bag a day - not even every day - that's stopping me lose weight. It's thinking 'oh well that's ruined now' and having other stupid things!
Managed a non messy painting session, I should hope so considering I used an entire newspaper to be safe haha, fun times, have about 20 paintings drying now x


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I've decided (realised?) I need to stop beating myself up over having a packet of crisps. It's hardly that one bag a day - not even every day - that's stopping me lose weight. It's thinking 'oh well that's ruined now' and having other stupid things!
It's taking me a long time to get comfy with using my syns! It was quite liberating to realise I could have a packet of Mini Cheddars with my soup and that wasn't the end of weight loss. I suppose it's getting used to the idea that nothing is forbidden or bad for you in moderation.

Having said that, I daren't touch the treatsize chocolate my boss has brought in because I know I won't be able to stop!
You most definitely so need to stop beating yourself up hun. What about if you allocated weekly syns rather than daily ones so you don't see it as going over syns then cutting back?
Looks fun Jess. I'm sure everyone always points out how different their hair is but it is so striking. I made one of the calls I was avoiding, turns out currys bought out the warrenty so i know what our Friday trip will be this week.

Gammon, egg, sw chips (heb or make today ee and have more) and veg for tea tonight. Weigh in in the morning. Sending good luck out to everyone weighing tonight.
The worst thing is that I'm usually within my syns when I have crisps and then think 'ah well, ruined it now' when I've not at all!

Lost all motivation today already and have another hour of work and then 3 hours of college with a lecturer who is not all that impressed that I keep watching football in his class.
Franalamadingdong said:
Totally destructive but does anyone else sometimes REALLY want to go out any buy a big bar of dairy milk and eating the whole thing by yourself?

Always, doesn't help that my OH does this every night, he is a chocoholic and sits most nights gobbling a full large bar to himself, yet he's 6ft4 and weighs 13 stone, can eat anything he likes, I now might sound like a crazy woman but often I ask him to pass me a square and I sniff it really hard then give him it back hahaha, he thinks I'm crazy, but if I'm really craving something really naughty if I smell it I can almost taste it and then I don't want it anymore, yes I know, I'm insane!! X
That IS a bit mental Jess - lol!

I'm not huge into chocolate, I much prefer crisps but I totally get the craving thing.

Just realised that the girl I work with left a pile of stuff on her desk and didn't tell me. Raging doesn't cover it. However, tomorrow is my last day. Breathe.
My OH went out and bought all the new flavours of Dairy Milk last week! They've been sitting untouched on the side in our kitchen for almost a week so I'm feeling virtuous!

If I don't have chocolate for a while then I don't even give it a second thought. As soon as I have some I want it every day. We used to have a chocolate drawer in our office and I was having at least a Boost bar every day (15.5 syns), sometimes an extra chocolate bar if I was stressed! It's like a Pandora's Box for me - I daren't have a taste because it only brings bad things! If I desperately need a chocolate hit I'll have an Options Hot Choc.

Just spent an hour chatting with our recruitment and development team about the requirements of the job I'm applying for. One of them (who I used to work with) walked out with me afterwards and whispered loads of extra specific stuff to make sure I research and learn beforehand! Friends in the right places!
Clare I am chuckling away at the fact you watch football in his class haha!
As for chocolate, I'm impressed with your restraint Jessikah. Once I'm within touching distance, that's it, the whole things snaffled.
I've had a good day apart from the fact I had 2 Linda McCartney Vegetarian sausages for lunch thinking that they were free...they're totally not, 2 bloody syns. Usually it wouldn't be a problem but as I'm trying to make up for the weekend it's not great! Agh. On the plus I've done 'loads' by my standards of exercise today...went to the gym and braved the cross trainer for the first time since I joined and then after completing my activities I went on a long walk with a friend around the shore. Now all cosied up on the sofa watching the chase.
Half off for me this week! Delighted with that, especially since I had two nights out. There were loads of tears in group this evening. That one woman who went hell for leather at the beginning, had another gain this week, (she's gained 1.5st back of the 5st she had lost) and she just broke down. Another woman had a gain and while telling us why (her husband has moved to Australia for work) she broke down. Another woman who rejoined after putting half the weight she lost back on, joined them. I was close to tears myself but I cry at the drop of a hat hahah