20 somethings

I have no boots though and wouldn't have a clue where to start! I wouldn't want anything with too high a heel, but maybe i'd look dumpy if they were flat? I've had a look on the £5 site but the dresses i liked weren't in my size. just been looking on the boohoo site for the first time ever and found loads i love but that are probably too dressy as i'd need to wear heels with them! xx
ive only recently started wearing leggings as i thought they would emphasize all the defects lol but now i love them i wear them under my work trousers aswell, i wore a long black top with leggings for my sisters hen do and even my nan commented on how id lost weight (even though i hadnt really i just wear baggy clothing most of the time lol) so im sure it will be fine but i will probably wear black tights with this dress so hopefully have the same effect

thats the problem i found too sam lots of nice dresses but need to be slimmer first lol i will be shopping on there when i get to 12/14 though as its cheap and some lush stuff
Sammy, the beauty of boots mean you don't need a heel. I suck in heels, I don't do pain, so boots are the way forward. I tried some knee high ones last week, they fit but they looked as though they were tight :( better than last year when nothing would fit round them... Even half way. Only problem is that they are expensive :( but if you are reusing your dress you are saving that money and the boots will go with a lot of stuff.
Any idea where to get some nice boots? I've always had big calves but my legs look quite skinny now i've lost weight (seem to be losing it from the feet up lol) so don't know if i would fit some knee highs now, maybe with leggings on i might just manage. I'd love to be able to wear a pair of skinny jeans, but not sure i'd suit them with an hourglass figure? maybe they would make me look like i had a massive bum? xx
you can get nice boots anywhere, if you want cheap then asda, shoezone, tesco, primark even ebay if they dont have what your looking for, i would try some on definately and see how you feel in them and try out different heels etc..
Thanks hunny, going to have a snoop online now then! xx
They look slimmer, not sure how wide boots usually are around the top so will have to try some on first. All i know is a photo of me dancing at my friends wedding in september made my legs look super skinny, though not the rest of me unfortunately! :( i'd felt good in the dress at the time but it didn't photograph as well as i'd hoped xx
Ah I hate photos that say "ha! You dont look as good as you hoped!" I think we are all a bit too self critical to be honest though. If you do struggle with calf fittings Evans have some lush boots in right now with wider calf fittings, I doubt you'll need it though. My feet have shrunk but I'm a half size and adult shoes don't do them in half sizes. Grr, another boot advantage: hides thick and warming socks.
my feet seem to have shrunk too! i bought a pair of size 7's for a wedding and two weeks later for the wedding they were suddenly too big and i had to put insoles in! so strappy shoes or boots are needed in future i think! xx
Morning girls!

Sorry I disappeared last night, OH got in from work and collapsed on the sofa so we had a snuggle and watched telly and then hit the sack at 10, was loving reading through your clothes chat, any sort of fashion chat gets my attention lol, and like you sammy my feet have shrunk! I went from a size 7 to now a 5! It's crazy the places you lose weight from.
I had a phone call last night from a lady called Lucy who is a journalist for many magazines and newspapers and she wants me to go to Manchester on Saturday for a photoshoot all expenses paid but I can't cos OH is working all day and step mum too so can't get a baby sitter!! So have arranged to go on 20th November, she's goin to pay train for me and a friend and we will go to Manchester and to her husbands photo studio for a shoot for a magazine, they pay around 500 for a story which is great! All this fry light stuff is crazy!! Hope all you girls are well this morning xxx
Morning ladies!
Good for you gyming jenna- will at least get you away from the bake fest that appears to be happening in your house! Lol
Aww Mandy Nate sounds such a sweetie, its probably somewhere in these hundreds of pages but how old is he?

Got a bit of a different day today! Boys are at their grandparents so I have a housework day :s obv with them home for half term I've not had chance to do any of the bits I usually do while they are at school, so got a long list and will be cleaning their house from top to bottom today! Currently halfway through the ironing then after breakfast will get cracking with my Mrs mop impression! Got so much to do but have till 6 to do it! I'm hoping I can get finished a bit early then pop home for shower and start my makeup then come back to meet the dad for handover before going home to finish getting ready. Our taxi is at 7 to go out for the evening and there's no way I will be ready by them if I don't get home till 6.15 and still have to shower! Wish me luck everyone! Haha x
ScarlettStar86 said:
Morning ladies!
Good for you gyming jenna- will at least get you away from the bake fest that appears to be happening in your house! Lol
Aww Mandy Nate sounds such a sweetie, its probably somewhere in these hundreds of pages but how old is he?

Got a bit of a different day today! Boys are at their grandparents so I have a housework day :s obv with them home for half term I've not had chance to do any of the bits I usually do while they are at school, so got a long list and will be cleaning their house from top to bottom today! Currently halfway through the ironing then after breakfast will get cracking with my Mrs mop impression! Got so much to do but have till 6 to do it! I'm hoping I can get finished a bit early then pop home for shower and start my makeup then come back to meet the dad for handover before going home to finish getting ready. Our taxi is at 7 to go out for the evening and there's no way I will be ready by them if I don't get home till 6.15 and still have to shower! Wish me luck everyone! Haha x

Sounds like you have a very busy day! Wishing you luck and hope you have a fab night tonight! X
Just been swimming - 500m today so I'm improving!

Had a Chinese last night though so that's probably cancelled it out, although I'd usually have a Chinese and not swim so I figure I'm doing better :D

Delivery on the £5 is £5 as well, but expensive but if you order a few things its okay.

I LIVE in boots. Current pair are from faith - these are my staple, 6 days out of 7 boots, excuse the blurry picture. I have another pair I wear sometimes with the cowboy stitching :D


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Claree__x said:
Just been swimming - 500m today so I'm improving!

Had a Chinese last night though so that's probably cancelled it out, although I'd usually have a Chinese and not swim so I figure I'm doing better :D

Delivery on the £5 is £5 as well, but expensive but if you order a few things its okay.

I LIVE in boots. Current pair are from faith - these are my staple, 6 days out of 7 boots, excuse the blurry picture. I have another pair I wear sometimes with the cowboy stitching :D

I love them! I really need a new pair of boots, giving myself excuses to shop now ;) haha! Well done on the swim Clare! And you're entitled to a treat every now and then! Hope you enjoyed your Chinese xx