20 somethings

Oh well done Tata. New interns sounds fun, I'm sure they'll love you.

The red onion sausages are tasty. I was honestly pleasantly surprised. I'll stock up while they are cheap.

Jenna and mandy I agree. Somehow it just doesn't twig. Or the delusion that the calorie count for 1 portion/biscuit is the same calorie count for the whole thing...
I think my problem, was that I never 'saw' myself getting bigger. I just blamed clothes manufacturers for making things smaller...mental.

Honestly so glad I've found SW, not just from a vanity perspective but from a health point of view. There's no way I could have carried on the way I was going.

Slightly disappointed that we don't all live near each other ladies, a night out would be fab with you lot :D Granted we'd spend the evening talking about food haha!
Well you know what, flights or ferries are cheap enough... we could arrange a couple of nights if we really wanted to. But we'd have to wait until we were all at target.
So are we mostly in England or Ireland? lol... I think I'm the only one from the republic, so that's out.
So we have the ROI, and Scotland so far lol
OH recently went to Liverpool for a stag weekend, and I know he got his accomodation and travel for about 150 euro.... it'd cost that for a couple of nights in a hotel here, minus the travel, so it's just as easy for me to travel as not. I would certainly be up for a night or two sometime in the future!
Lol,we should all just pick somewhere sunny and exotic and go there :D Solves problems of whose homeland haha!

I am currently ready to kill my family, they have all just gone round my aunts to see my cousins new wee baby and have left their dinner dishes. They KNOW I'm ocd about mess in the kitchen and therefore have done them all but they really take the pi$$.

Sometimes I think they'd live in their own $hit if the smell wasn't sooo bad ahhhh! Maybe I'm exagerrating a tad but seriously, does it kill to do your dishes as soon as you're finished dinner? Or even better...as you go along?
Hahaha you girls crack me up
Jenna88 said:
LMAO I meant as you're cooking, like when you're finished with one pot but somethings cooking in another clean that one? They don't seem to have grasped it!

Yeah I clean as I go but my bf seems to do the exact opposite! He can make a chilli or Bolognese and use about 6 pans, 3 chopping boards and every utensil we own! I think I need to stop cleaning as I go cos we have a deal that it one cooks the other washes up,I do it as I cook so he ends up with 2 plates to wash. I get the entire contents of the pots and pan cupboard!
Fantastic idea of a meet up but I'm in ROI so give us plenty of notice.... Preferably after xmas...

Ooooh I thought I was the only one in the ROI...whereabouts are you?
Yeah I clean as I go but my bf seems to do the exact opposite! He can make a chilli or Bolognese and use about 6 pans, 3 chopping boards and every utensil we own! I think I need to stop cleaning as I go cos we have a deal that it one cooks the other washes up,I do it as I cook so he ends up with 2 plates to wash. I get the entire contents of the pots and pan cupboard!

This! OH makes an unGodly mess in the kitchen when he's cooking. On the other hand, it's the two eldest kids' job to clean up after dinner, so I don't mind haha. They do look forward to when I cook though!