Im in bed but still lurking whilst waiting for the divine mcfly boys on celebrity juice
I went to group from Jan to august really, then in the middle of this year one thing after another in my life started happening and going wrong, my little brother had a series of "strokes" (since confirmed as something else but left him unable to work for months) my nan was taken suddenly ill, she died, a week later I was taken ill and into hospital, a week later my mum was taken ill etc you get the drift and I managed to keep going to weigh in and couldn't stay to group.
I realised during this time that it was my boyfriend and the people on here that were keeping me going with it, as I couldn't get to group and having spent a fiver a week to stand on some scales decided I would be better doing it from home. Lost more in the last 2 weeks since making that choice than I did in the previous 3 months overall! You guys are my group! X