20 somethings

Hi Souffle!

Nice going on the loss Christie :)

What about an omlette jenna?

Scarlet that sounds grim. My 2 year old niece does that at her mums. Shits, takes off her clothes and nappy then spreads crap everywhere. Grim. If she did it here she'd have her face rubbed in it. I'm cruel.

Oh and jenna Nate can be a knob too!
I think I've well and truly killed omelette for myself...had it the other week when I was hungover and it made me want to vom. Thought I was over it, had one earlier this week and left half. I've ruined them *sob*.
Ahahahaha at your way with words, honestly made me chuckle ''Shits, takes off her clothes and nappy then spreads crap everywhere''
i think im gunna start a food diary monday on here as i dont write anything down atm which is bad as i dont really know how many syns im using other than if ive gone over or not lol i think it will definately help me keep track of everything
Lol jenna thats a bit weird, im the one that likes to eat the naughty stuff, hearing about it just doesnt cut it for me lol

Ive been good today I picked up some pancakes and a chocolate apple today in asda and by the time id gone round id put them back down again and only bought wholemeal bread, proud of myself lol
I think im the only person than doesnt love sw chips, maybe im doing them wrong lol
Mm pancakes with butter lol

If I hear about the naughty stuff I want it more lol havent had chinese in like 3 months
I'd a good day thanks Jenna, a lot of work to do tonight so my weekend is free!

Going to the ATP tour finals in the O2 tomorrow, so excited! Really glad because ill be seeing roger federer playing :)