Silver Member
And I know what you mean about legs never being 'fat'! All my weight seems to go on bum and above. I always look top heavy.
Jenna88 said:I always thought I was big boned but now I can join my forefinger and thumb round my wrist so I guess I made that$hit up to make myself feel better haha!
Omg Clare, do not even start me on that show. There's one guy who has been on like 3 different episodes of it...too embarassed to get it on with partners but whips his bits out on the tv, you can hardly see his wee winky god love him he has soooo much excess skin from being overweight. It's not v pleasant to look at...he ALWAYS seems to be on the eps I watch.
Jenna88 said:Agh see I would crack up with people like that, my cousin went with her mum and to me I would say she's a skinny girl who doesn't need to lose weight but if she feels knocking a few pounds off would help her feel better then go for it. She stopped going as people were being weird with her. It's ridiculous that people can make you feel like that. Good on your consultant for showing them! Balls to them!