Thanks ladies!
Enjoy the tennis...I'm still dying with jealousy! As for the Kardashian collection, have you had a look at it? I was less than impressed...the dresses are all v plain. I wanted something a bit more exciting for Christmas!
Enjoy MM and shopping, Laura. Again...I'm jealous!
Clare, I usually weigh on Sundays but don't you worry I shall be all over your a$$ on a Saturday morning!
Sweetdll, relax, take it's not like you're being have an excuse, use it
Tata, what do you have to do for science week? I'm intrigued!
Thanks for the support Jess, Scarlett and Fran! Your day sounds busy, Fran! Will be good to arrange outfits, I may copy you and do the same...I always HATE picking what to wear as I feel so limited in clothes (even though I CONSTANTLY buy them).
I'm currently eating lunch-fruit salad, covered in a Muller that went out of date on the 18th of October. Lets see how this ends :S but I figure people in the 'olden days' lived without best before dates so I'll be fine...might even be 'cleansing' haha!