I remember watching supersize vs superskinny (love it) and a man had a gastric band but he was forcing in more food, so his new stomach was expanding and stomach acid was going up his oegophagus digesting the food that couldn't fit in his new stomach. It was pretty grim. So it is the same as everything else, only as successful as you make it be. I'd be the same as that man, I don't do small amounts of food (obviously!) Really glad it is working for you though. Do you still fallow the same sw plan? I know there are adjustments for diabetes, pregnant and breastfeeding women. I did say i was nosy.
Oh good luck loolahoop, you are so close to target! That is great! A art in my group really stuggled with the last few lbs, as soon as she hit Target she relaxed and a few more lbs just fell off!