20 somethings

Ah I forgot to say, at toddlers a mum came up to me and asked where I found the time to put myself together, and how come I always looked so nice. AHHH Wooo. :D

Fran that is awesome, foxy mamma ;-)

Sorry I've been quiet on here ladies, been seriously chocca this week, worked solid from 8am - 11pm last night, worked through lunch and dinner, ate crap in between, and am dreading WI tonight! Not been very focused at all this week, need to get a grip or I will have a massive gain over Xmas!!

On my way to work for another really busy day today, then hopefully things will start to slow down. I just want it to be Friday, to have left work on the afternoon, and to be in that hairdressers chair chilling out!!

2 more Getty Ups!! X

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Hey ladies read through last night. Was busy packing my bag as I'm flying home tonight. Last day at school yay!

My granny went Ito hospital yesterday so I'm glad I'm going home now. She collapse and had a mini stroke my dad said. They're going to keep her I for 5 days so luckily seems like she'll be home for Christmas.

Hope everyone is well :) xx
Aww ciara sorry to hear that hope she is ok and.gets better soon. Got everything crossed she will be home for Christmas xx
Aw hope shes better in time for xmas ciara x

My nan has had 7 strokes, luckily all small except for one and the only lasting affect of that was loss of smell so was really lucky to catch it so fast and she hasnt had one for a few years now so touch wood x my other nan who has Alzheimers/dementia isnt well either, not the best time of year for older people :( bit shes on the mend too thankfully :)
Oh Ciara, sorry to hear that. I'm glad she should be out for Christmas though. My Nanna hasn't been very well. She's had 3 falls this year but she won't accept it's a sign of anything bigger being wrong. She tells the doctor it's because she stood up too quickly, or she stumbled because the light wasn't on, but she's broken 2 vertebrae falling over backwards on the stairs and she's smashed all her mouth and arm. She's in a lot of pain at the moment because of her back - she was hobbling around last night (still determined to wear heels) clearly in agony but refusing to go to the doctors for stronger painkillers. The pain's been waking her in the night, bless her.

Last night went alright. The food was appreciated - although all the trains were delayed so those that were already there had picked on so many crisps (thanks to my mum's insistence on there being lots of nibbles) that they weren't really hungry by the time everyone else arrived. I'm just so tired today!

We got back to the flat at 1am to find the car park was full, meaning someone's parked in there without a permit, so I had to park all the way up the road. Not happy! Before we had a permit I used to park on the road and I came down on my birthday to find someone had smashed my passenger door so hard that I couldn't open the window. Of course, no one left a note and admitted to it. A few weeks later the clutch gave out anyway so I had it scrapped, but it was going to be hundreds to replace the door, even buying one second hand and getting a friend to fit it. I get really anxious about leaving my car there. Our road used to lead on to the main road, but the end has been blocked off and they've put recycling bins there instead. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to have made it on to most satnavs and we're right by an industrial estate, so lorries come driving down thinking they can cut through and then can't turn round, so they hazardously reverse back up the road.

Nervous about WI tonight... My head hasn't really been on plan since we got back. I need to rein myself back in so I don't go silly over Christmas.
Hi everyone, glad it went ok Emily. Rubbish about the parking though, I think in order to update the satnavs people have to plug them in and update them which I know I've never done with mine....*mental note to do that later!*

Today has gone quite quick so far which is good! My nephews letter from Santa arrived today totally confusing my brother and sister in law- forgot to tell them I had ordered it! Oops :)
Can not actually wait till friday finish. In desperate need of some time off I feel run into the ground!
Just started peeing with rain which is typical as I can't take the car to school as 4 year old has a friend to play and don't have a car seat for him.. hopefully can find one of the umbrellas that keep hiding!
Picked up some parcels from post office this morning which were 4 presents meaning that I've just got the boys little presents, mikes stocking fillers, and 2 vouchers to buy this weekend :) excited!
Ooh that's great about the presents scarlet, love confusing your nephew's parents with the letter from santa.

I got soaked today. severe weather warnings down here :( still went to flab club, +1/2 but still got my 10lbs in 10 weeks, and christmas wish. I won... NOTHING. None of the raffles, or anything. which is lucky because i was walking. The best thing, the woman who won the hamper raffle is donating it to the homeless which is really nice so I'm really happy she won it. Got the new magazine, decided to do 2 days of fast forward (found mum's FF pack) and just did the 30 day shred, day one. I must be fitter than I thought! My arms and abs get no work out, but the cardio was fine, and I was doing the advanced persons cardio :S Just doing a couple of days of fast forward because I just need a little bit of reigning in, then I think I'll be fine following plan as normal saturday, sunday and monday (bar toffee pudding on monday) I just keep picking all the time and I can't seem to stop it, so this should give me a quick reminder I can. I've planned out the points/meals, be warned for some moaning :p

Emily your nan sounds funny in still insisting on wearing her heals. My grandma has declined a lot the past couple of years too, no major health scares like yours ciara and christie, unfortunately it just seems it is a part of getting older. Really glad she should be out for christmas ciara, and you will be home soon enough :)

Laura, wednesday is nearly over, just 2 more days. I hope things at work are better and mr head is being nicer.

We had a taster thing today, now i know why i don't usually have anything... I feel sicky because everything was sweet, then i had a sausage roll for lunch. IT WAS FREEZING, WET and WINDY, I wasn't having anything else so I let myself off. In the past I would have had the sausage roll and lunch when I got home. But yes, I feel yucky. And hormonal bum didn't come into effect this month... it seems to be bad every other month... usually the month i do well in, lol (eew). Stinky is asleep right now. he has a poorly cough and sneeze-ums so I got him some medicine. Des (member of flabbers) asked if he could give nate some smarties, and handed me a tube, bless him he had a pack for all the kids <3 and mum's friend handed me a bag of presents for him. I knew she was getting him something but there are 3 or 4 presents and some winter mittens! SO generous, bless her she does love my monkey. so I think we'll have to get her a wee something to say thank you. I did get something from secret santa and I got to see who got my present. Hope she enjoys it, I think she will.
And the best news of all. Our consultants cancer is in remission! YAY! We all chipped in and got her a nice card and a big bunch of flowers and surprised her with them today to say thank you, and happy Christmas etc, and she said that keeping working kept everything normal for her, she's got a couple of sessions left but the tests came back and it is in remission again. SW didn't want any of her members to know but you can't keep anything quiet round here. Definitely the best Christmas news.
Thanks ladies, my dad says she's much better today so should home in a couple of days. Like all of yours she's got a lot older in recent months. She'll hate being in hospital though she hates not doing thingsfor herself!

I weighed in last night one date early and it showed half a pound up unfortunately but that's deserved. Won't weigh in again until I'm back in England on 7th January so until then just going to do my best to stay o plan as much as I can
Glad she's a lot better today, they say it's a good sign if you improve quickly, sounds like a good excuse for a pamper and lots of tea. Where abouts in Ireland are you from again? I think my grandad has gone over to Dublin (he's not told me but he's not answering his phones, so it is either that or he is on a bender, but his brother Pat doesn't have long left, so he might have gone over). Good luck while you are over there!
From Tipperary, in the middle-ish. At the airport now much too early. My colleague was heading to heathrow too to get a plane to Canada so I travelled here with her, but Im too early and bored already. Think ill buy myself a book.

The children in my class (wel their parents really) have been so lovely a bought me lovely Christmas presents, unfortunately there is so much chocolate!! I had to leave a lot of it behind anyway as couldn't carry it in the plane but its so tempting! One mum bought me a GIANT bar of galaxy, it's about a metre long and 15cm wide, never sen anything like it. That's been left behind too and I'm hoping my housemates get stuck I as it will not help SW!! I did Kim of feel like I was drowning in chocolate today. So kind of them though to bring it really appreciate it, but I always tell them there's no need :)

Last year actually one mum bought me beautiful bags at Christmas and at the end of the year, pretty pricey ones, way too much! Use them all the time though, but still way too much to buy me!
Aww how nice. Chocolate does seem to be the go too gift. I'm only concerned my brother&his gf or my nieces' mum will get me chocolate. no one else will. mum even picked bendicts bittermints and no after eights because after eights are lethal for me. <3 she really is super supportive of me losing weight. It was nice, a lot of members that are target so only come every few months were at group today and commented on how there's a lot less of me. hehe.

Buying a book sounds like a plan. how often do you get free time when you can get away with just sitting down and reading and not feel you should be doing something else?!
Ah I still have loads to lose, but when someone goes "oooh you're a SHADOW of your former self!" It is quite nice, if deafening... She has no volume control. Might be something to do with being the queen of the local WI. Haha.

Shame the sw mag isn't on the newsstands yet, it could keep you from going too crazy over Xmas and the new year... Says miss piggy!

Nate is all snuffley and coughy - poor pickle. He just coughed and was nearly sick and did a self pity mew. He is medicined up already though. When's your flight? You have been there ages.
Morning all! Sorry I've been in and out (more out than in!) but been manic busy and haven't caught up properly. Will sit with laptop tonight and have a proper read through.

Anyway came here to say- official weigh in puts me at 11st12 so I got my 1 stone award back! :) didn't think I'd do it before Christmas so really happy! Let the festivities begin! Will be more mindful of what I have I think with it in the back of my mind that I don't want to undo it yet again and spend till the summer losing a Christmas gain to get back to this point again. Will be on plan till Christmas eve, then back on between Christmas and New year.
Will catch up more later as I say but have a great day everyone xx
I wrote a big long reply on my phone this morning but obviously didn't send it!

Congratulations Scarlett! How brilliant to get it back for Christmas!

By a Christmas miracle, I stayed the same! Absolutely thrilled with that because I was utterly off plan. We went out for our group Christmas meal and everyone else was completely naughty! Chips, fried potato skins with cheese, profiteroles... My consultant was gobsmacked because I ignored the garlic bread that came with my risotto (it wasn't mentioned on the menu, otherwise I would have said not to bring it!) We had a lovely time though and my C said she wants me on the social committee. :D

Absolutely freezing in my office and soooo tired. There are 3 places I'm meant to be tonight and I think I might sack them all off and spend the night in with my OH instead.

He spent last night wrapping presents, and I came home to find a huge box under the tree - for ME! I have no idea what it is! I thought he was buying me a watch... Very excited!