20 somethings

ah, there are loads of recipes online, and places to buy fermented black beans. unfortunately I found where to buy "a sichuan store cupboard" argh *scoffs the page*
Well I'm well and truly stuffed. I'd say I had more than the syns for a portion of beef and black bean (5) but I'd say I haven't gone over my syns. Hopefully! Nice to meet up with my friend anyway
Lol well if it helps then I dont see weighing in between a problem

Ive just bought some running trousers, tops, trainers and a set of 2kg weights for when I start the shred, gunna start running on the treadmill again next week aswell
Ooh well done Christie! I just used the stuff I had in. I think proper trainers for the running is the most important thing to prevent any injury.

Sat here a size 14-16 in a 20-22 pj top thinking I need to chuck some stuff out. hahaha. good job I have a bra on underneath and a dressing gown on top, it's getting a bit revealing!

I just wanted to do a week without a peek. silly me. It's 2.5lbs less than it read on tuesday night on my pre weigh-in peek, but that was out by 2.5lbs when usually it matches groups so not sure, fingers crossed it's still 2.5lbs out. haha.
That's good Christie, I never ordered the stuff I looked at on sports direct, going in to town early tomorrow to pick up some bits so ill see what I can buy, and if I don't get much ill order off sports direct.
hi how to i join this thread iv just started slimming world tonight and have just started using minimins and haven a clue how to use it, im 21 and need to shift some pounds:)
Pooeee bit funky in here ;) haha

Sounds like you're all set christie! When are you starting? I really really need to get started too, was going to do it tonight but after long walk yesterday and day 1 of ski exercises I'm a bit sore!

Farting now flashing Fran we'll have to keep an eye on your behavior! Haha! Def sounds like you need some new bits though, hope you've penciled in that shopping spree in Feb :)

I've just been told not only are we doing the curry and Xmas presents tomorrow but also been invited to mikes mums for breakfast which means fry up and I object to having a meal like that, that can so easily be made sw friendly.might ask for boiled eggs instead and see if I can just fill up on tomatoes and mushrooms and allow syns for oil. Why are so many people out there to sabotage my good intentions!
Hi Jenna
Lots of physical movement with adding. Say two bears add two bears let children physically move them. Small steps lol.
I know how ya feel Jenna sometimes I think that im teaching such basic things and you wonder how to teach them! Lots of practical stuff :)
Hey tata, why don't you make a plan for the week, or even the next few days. Pick meals you love, ad pick up some tasty free snacks. If you've got them to pick at you're less likely to pick at the bad stuff. Get yourself stocked up. Come on here when temptation comes!!
Jenna, the idea of showing them physically is a good one, much easier to understand something when you can see it whatever the age. Sound like a lovely group to have, all eager to learn.

Tata, do you know what it is that's throwing you off course? I'm like Ciara and planning is key, ok so often I adjust them slightly but they stay along the same lines. e.g. teriyaki tuna stir fry became sweet chilli chicken stirfry, but it was along the same lines and similar syns. One woman in my group just says it is alcohol, she can't have just one and then when she's had a few she starts eating too. knowing what's derailing you will help you get back on track

Welcome time :)
Thanks ladies. I've my sw books out now and i'm looking at stuff to plan.. I want to stick to EE... Trying to follow the newer plan thats out as well with less milk..

Might start a new diary as well and get OH on board as well.

Had a roast chicken dinner today that was made with lemons instead and got rid of all the oil so i've started on the road!