Haha bless your grandad

I'm quite new to being catholic to be honest, I was never christened as a child as my parents wanted me to decide for myself when I was older. My fiancé is catholic but never forced it on me as I'm the kind of person that if someone tries to force me to do something I'll go against it even more. I grew up not really believing in much of anything, but then the last few years were hard, in just under a two year period from may 2009 to november 2010 my step dad suddenly died, my nan nearly died, my sister had to have an emergency operation, I got sick, my dad collapsed, my niece was born stillborn, my nephew died and then my Nanna died. it was the worst time of my life, and until my Nanna passed away and had a CofE funeral there had not been any religious aspects to any of the other funerals. I found that it comforted me more and it got me to think about religion and I decided I wanted to start going to church. I spoke to my fiancé about it and said I'd like to go to learn more about it and I'd make up my mind what I wanted to do then, and as he was catholic that's where we started. We began attending mass January 2011 and have been most Sunday's since. I know it's not for everyone, but it helped me tremendously, especially while we were trying to have a baby and month after month it wasn't happening. I eventually fell pregnant with my son jack who is three and a half months old now

and I'm due to go under instruction soon so that I can get baptised next year before we get married. If someone had told me five years ago that I'd want to be catholic then I'd have laughed as I had no religious inclinations what so ever. They are much more relaxed then they were though, so im told, ben and I have had a child 'out of wedlock' lol and not a single person at church has said anything, and like I said, most people wear jeans to mass, though you do get the older generation dressing up, and ben has been trying to get me to dress up too, but I have to get up early enough to get me and jack ready as it is, I'm not getting up even earlier to dress up when jack will probably end up being sick on me or something just before we go out the door! Lol! But the first time I went to mass I was worried what to wear as I thought people all wore 'Sunday best' and ben said jeans and a top would be fine and it was. I did struggle to find something to wear for jacks baptism though, I was feeling really down about my weight (even though I'd already lost all my baby weight) and I didn't feel comfortable in anything. I finally found a light wool type dress which wasn't too bad, I was just worried that it was a bit obscene as my boobs are so big and although it wasn't low cut, it didn't disguise them either lol but I've lost a stone and 5 lbs since then and I managed to buy a pair of size 16 jeans in the sale the other say that actually go up and do up! I still have a bit of a muffin top at the front, so won't wear them in public just yet until I've lost a little more weight, but 7 weeks ago I was a size 20 and a 16 wouldn't even go over my thighs! So I'm chuffed with the result
I need you as my personal shopper, that skirt sounds lovely! I'm awful at shopping, I hate it because most of my life more often than not I've just ended up crying in the changing rooms when I'm trying to find something nice so I just normally stick to my jeans and dark tops as I can look semi decent in them.
Wow, this has turned into a bit of an essay! Well done if you read right to the end!! Lol! Xx