Haha ladies I can say for sure my copy will probably end up gathering dust. I have only tried level 1 and it was hard and I would never do it when anyone could see me, I even closed the curtains to be sure no one could see me!! I am very lazy and I have to force myself to exercise. But I can not wait for my boobs and belly to shrink, from doing this 1 time I know a really tight top and sports bra are essential to even attempt to get through the cardio segments but I will keep trying though it will be more like every other day than every day. I am kind of scared to move on to level 2

I do have an Aqua aerobics class booked for tomorrow and I just can not be bothered. I have never been lucky enough to experience the buzz some exercise lovers say I will get so I honestly find it hard to understand why people enjoy getting hot and sweating in a gym etc but I will keep going as even if I don't see the change on the scales I know it is helping me change my shape and is good for me inside. I also am a little worried about getting any lose skin so I know I need to exercise to stop that happening.
However...back from weigh in and I lost.....3.5lbs!!!! I am so happy with this as I normally as luck to get even 1lb and I got my silver body magic award

Annoyingly though did not get slimmer of the week even though i lost the most by far as I am still classed as a visitor because I have changed groups and the change hasn't gone through so would have also liked to get that but never mind.