Wow how exciting Emily, that would be an amazing place for a proposal but can see what you mean about wanting to celebrate straight away. Sounds like it would serve your brother right haha! 2 weeks time we will be away skiing and I keep dropping hints about how amazing a mountaintop proposal would be but he isn't biting! Haha! Well done also for the fab loss!
Aww happy anniversary tata! Great you are back on plan, such a good feeling getting back in control!
Christie very jealous of your roast! I could drink pints of homemade gravy, best thing ever!
Skinny that chicken sounds amazing! Do you have the recipe pleae?
Your dinner sounds amazing too fran! Finally stopped feeling queasy from the greasy curry last night and now want to eat everyone else's dinners! Bless Nate for giving the treat back, he soun like he has some lovely little ways amongst the pickle ness!
Hope your first day goes well tomorrow Jenna, how long is this position again? I know you said but I've forgotten! Is there a chance of it being lengthened or is a fixed term thing?
ciara you're brave flying back night before! Hope you've had a lovely time though and tomorrow goes well. Never easy going back to work! I went back Wednesday last week and its amazing how the shortest working week of the year can feel like the longest!
Can't remember if i told you girls but My mum surprised me with Robbie tickets for wembley the other day! We couldn't afford them when they were released and thought they had all sold out but after she got her inheritance through from my nan she decided to check and there were a few tickets left for 5th July so we are going then! So excited! It's only a week before my birthday too so even better! I love Robbie so actually can't wait
Just been trying all my ski gear on to make sure it still fits! Bought it all quite a few months ago and sure my weight is a bit higher now than it was then but it all fits. Phew! 2 weeks today we shall be having out first evening in the hotel preparing to start our first day skiing the following morning! Been doing my pre ski exercises this evening, they are tough! Bit like the shred in some ways so in hoping they will help with toning me up a bit! Will also get back into shred this week to give myself an arse kicking before we go.
Loved dancing on ice tonight, off to bed now to dream of being an ice dancer! Haha xx