Gold Member
Glad everyone had a good day Ciara you are so good going for a run despite being tired! Scarlet, that's crazy they can't look after themselves properly for a week. That said I totally avoid ironing unless it is something that has to be ironed! You lucked out with the spare car seats. How are the boys' behaviour now things are back to normal? I hope they were good.Christie, I've not had it but a lady in my group makes it from normal mash and it goes down well. Pretty upset that co-op changed their recipe so they are no longer a heb, but excited I have an old pack in the freezer. I always used them to make pitta bread pizza, the Asda ones are still a heb (just the wholemeal ones) so that is worth a go for sure.We have had a good day. Vacuumed the lounge, sorted washing and dishwashers, did sponge painting with Nate and tea was delicious! Nate had seconds AND he ate the meat! Didn't go on a walk as it kept threatening to rain, but I'll be walking to toddler's and back tomorrow. So uneventful other than Nate learnt a new word (purple) he said fox and dragon yesterday and is almost saying zebra.Another 100% day too, so I am chuffed. It is a red day too!