20 somethings

Btw I didnt like the smash pizza, ended up giving it to oh who thought it was ok, and I ended up using my hea and b for a toastie instead lol
Ah, mum has high blood pressure for years, since a teen, where mine (despite my size) has always been on the lower side. Hope he gets used to managing his medication
Ah, mum has high blood pressure for years, since a teen, where mine (despite my size) has always been on the lower side. Hope he gets used to managing his medication

Mine is normal considering I weigh 4 st more than him lol its weird thinking that as I didnt realise how big I must look compared to him although I always joke about my boobs weighing a stone each lol wouldnt suprise me :/
Welcome gema x good luck with wi
Is this wi to determine start weight or first wi since then?
Welcome Gema!

My blood pressure has always been low-normal, although high blood pressure runs in my family. My Nanna has a home blood pressure monitor which tends to come out at parties and we all compare notes!

One of my big kicks to lose weight was realising I was nearly a stone heavier than my OH, and he's nearly a foot taller than me! Even at his heaviest his BMI was 23.2. I realised I must look like a squidgy ball next to him.
Haha how funny about the blood pressure moniter Emily can picture a group round all doing their blood pressure as entertainment! Mines just normal as far as I know, never had cause for concern luckily.
I'm sure you don't look like a blob! From pics I've seen you are gorgeous! X

Ooh fran I'm excited for you! Make sure you let us know ASAP, I'll be looking out for news! X
Today has been so long. Ugh!
I'm looking forward to the flurry of WI activity tomorrow! I hope it's good news for everyone!

It feels like bedtime to me. Spinning was really good - I kept up well and it just flew by. I was the sweatiest I've ever been - absolutely glistening! One of the hardcore instructors explained that more of your skin sweats as you get fitter because skin is an organ and you are training it to perform at its best to keep you cool - well, it sounded good to me! The only this is I've been exhausted all afternoon.

I also had to have words with my member of staff AGAIN. The system admin removed all the games from the system after I had a word with him last time about playing Minesweeper. I walked in today and found him playing Bejeweled on his phone!! What makes it worse is phones are banned in our building for security reasons so he should have it off completely at all times. He took it alright. The work we do involves a lot of waiting around for things to finish processing, so I know he gets bored waiting. I do exactly the same sort of work but because I have other roles in work I just use my 'free' time to do jobs for those roles instead.

I've just realised it's actually home time - hooray! Now to decide what's for tea...
Fran I hope mine shrink! My oh doesnt want them too but its a pain having to buy tops a size bigger to accommodate them :/ maybe he should carry the same weight around his chest and see how he likes it lol

My wi will be at 8am! Hoping for a loss I was half a lb down yesterday so keeping my fingers crossed
Hello all :) very tired today back to work is kicking in! Ie got a student teacher coming to my class for a month starting tomorrow, I really don't feel good enough to have a student haha. It's scary, in so aware she's there an watching how I deal with the class she's only a first year and its her first placement so at least she's not got much to compare me to haha.

Had some more chicken mushroom and tarragon pass bake for my lunch, oh it's really tasty. Def one to make again.

My official post Christmas weigh in tomorrow, but had a peek yday and it was 10st 10.5 so not a horrible gain, hopefully will be down a bit tomorrow evening
Oh thanks scarlet. I want to lose 2lbs, any less and I won't be happy. Been 100% all month so far and been filling in my paper diary as I eat so nothing is missed off. How come it has been a long day? Kids playing up or did you find more ironing?

Emily, we got taught if you are not sweating you arent working hard enough. I envy your glistening, I tend to look like a boiled ham. Lol. Talking of which just had gammon, chips, peas, fresh pineapple, broccoli and carrots! Lovely! That's so frustrating to have a member of staff like that. If you have to tell someone twice you will be telling them until they are fired.

Good luck Christie I think you will be the first Wednesday weigher! Mum's boobs stayed the same but her underneath bit shrank so she ended up going up several cup sizes.
I just feel like its really not long since I was a student and that didn't go so great so it's hard to think I'm now the teacher haha
Oh Emily that's rubbish! I agree with fran though, if you have to tell someone the same thing more than once its not a good sign. Is it going to be taken further?

Neither really fran, even with older one in permanent arrogant sod mode they are manageable. Just been one of those days that your look at the time, look again after what you think is an hour later and it's been ten mins! Once we are over the hump of tomorrow the rest of the week goes fast!

Ciara glad you're getting back into the swing of work, they must think a lot of you to give you a student. Can see where you are coming from with feeling too new to have one but you are obv doing a great job, maybe the fact you are young and maybe more recently into the job than others will be a benefit to the student, they can see how you have settled into teaching and how you manage your classroom. Good luck x

My veggie stew thing is yummy! Was going to save some for lunch but not sure there will be any left!
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Have been on track now the last two days and its feeling good! I'm moving in 10 days so i want to be good!
Ordered a new set of scales today in argos so must go get them tomoro after work. My old ones aren't very reliable and I can tell from my jeans that they are lying to me!
Well, I'm back on track so I hope to be seeing a good loss this week, I think it will motivate me again.
The trouble is, while he's my staff member in the fact that I set and monitor his work, he's in the army so his official line manager is one of military guys on site - and he is equally laid back. I'm going to go on 3 strikes and I escalate it up the military chain of command. I don't want one of the top military guys to catch him at it and think I'm just turning a blind eye.

I didn't get out of work until 6 in the end. So tired! Got some crispy herby potatoes cooking in the oven, may have some LM sausages and lots of veg.