20 somethings

These are the photos of the damage. completely smashed.


  • damage 1.jpg
    damage 1.jpg
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  • damage 2 base.jpg
    damage 2 base.jpg
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  • damage 3 remainder of base.jpg
    damage 3 remainder of base.jpg
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  • damage 4 side, not even fully unwrapped.jpg
    damage 4 side, not even fully unwrapped.jpg
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  • damage 5 side before opened.jpg
    damage 5 side before opened.jpg
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  • damage 6 handle.jpg
    damage 6 handle.jpg
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On plan lunch but I've just munched my way through half a bag of cheese savouries (in my defence, they're shaped like llamas and that makes them irresistible) at about 350 cals so 17.5 syns at least.

I'm stress eating. Aunt Flo is knocking on the door and I am waiting for the results of the initial sift for the job I applied for. If I get through that then the interviews are either Friday - yes, THIS FRIDAY - or Monday. The OH is currently writing his application for the level transfer posts, which close on Tuesday, and I am about to start prepping interview answers. I just want my bed!

Gosh. Good luck!!!
Im having steak for dinner after getting a taste for it last night with ohs leftovers but this one will be cooked in frylight lol
Do you guts have different meals then? Bet watching him eat a lush steak was hard!! Well done for holding out! X
Glad you're getting the money back.

Eek weigh in for lots of us tomorrow, don't know what is going to happen for me, I've been good but we'll see. A gain will be very disappointing and surprising
I lost 2lbs this week ladies, initially a bit gutted, but realised I'm being stupid, cos 2lbs would normally be a brilliant one for me!! X

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2lbs is awesome Laura! silly bean. now you can go home and snoooze.

I wish I was getting -2lbs tomorrow. I feel like I have put on 5... that or I need my belly popping!

Haha no snoozing for me, work work working away - giving myself the limit of 10.30 bedtime though! X

Thanks Ciara - will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you both though xx

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Well I hope it works again! I'm off to bed, have given up on working for tonight - my brain needs sleep!! Xx

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WI tomoro morning before work, a bit nervous to say the least as its the first WI since I've been back on track.

Work was hard today, the training is going to be very hard i think. Sitting at a computer all day doesnt help body magic either...

Another nervous one here... :(
Laura hopefully we will get great losses!

I need to do some body magic next week, I'm thinking of starting aqua aerobics which are on 3 times before work a week and then maybe mix up the classes as my routine changes in 8 weeks time.

Yeah I haven't done half as much walking as I would have liked to this week, the snow didn't help like but still no excuse! Sigh. Aqua aerobics is so much fun! I used to do a deep class where it was just treading water for an hour with weights, proper good work out :)