Laura, well done on sotw! Don't you dare discredit yourself. You worked hard this week and you earned it.
Tata! What a big fat loss. That's almost half a stone in a week! Wowwee! Glad it has got you re-motivated. Working late is awful our shifts generally were 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm and 10:45pm-7am. It makes eating habits dire.
Christie glad you got a sts. Now here comes the hard work! Can you get another big fat loss?
Jess that's fab you superstar. Did you mention your op to your consultant?
Mandy, so jealous of all your sleep. And of your hubby getting the kids sorted! Glad fia is ok, typical kids to just bounce back!
Well I lost another 1lb. I thought I had sts, and she said, no you lost a lb. So I am back to my lowest, which I am pleased about. Now it is time to get off the old fat. I was in the 15s in my 15s! Felt good changing into my 16 jeans after weigh in. We were asked if anyone had picked up any new body magic and everyone was excited by the tap dancing, going to start adding up my activity for my gold award, I did bronze and silver ages ago, now I have tap as well as my walking I just need to add up 8 weeks

more shinies! So that's exciting. I now need 2.5lbs next week and the one after to hit the goal my c set me, or just 1lb to hit the one I set myself (7 lbs in January). Super glad I ordered the healthy extra b bars that you can get in supermarkets last night as the rocky roads were all gone. I have 3 bars at home and some new ones to try coming tomorrow.
Going to work on my evening snacking. It is just fruit and yogurt but it often isn't needed and just habit. Excited to be back at my stats and to work on killing it and having my eye on 5st shiny, gold award shiny (8weeks) and sotm shiny (which I don't think I will get unless some of the other big losers have a nice big gain!)