Laura, I wouldn't worry about the extra heb sabotaging you as much as a drunken kabab will. Lol. Have fun!
Jo! We have missed you. It sounds like we had similar 100% with a half lb gain. It is utterly heartbreaking isn't it. My C told me to go eat some fish and chips. Not that helpful! Lol. I want to keep up my 100% January streak so I didn't do it. I have no social life either. I did get invited to a play date but I forgot I have tap class then

boo. Why us everything on at the same time?!
Jade, I'm the same. I had no control over it because I had weighed out the pasta for everyone and while I left the water to boil my dad slung in a whole packet of pasta. Grr. I could quite happily est it all, but that's not going to get these lbs off! I HATE slush. I'm from Halifax originally so do remember snow and the inevitable dirty slush. Blurgh. Well done for gym going. We just did another walk this morning while the sun was out. It is peeing down now. Blurgh splash and blurgh tom daley! Yuck.