20 somethings

Hahah I couldn't get a dog to bark at me Fran let alone a guy haha. Keeping my pic private on it because if someone that I knew saw me I think I'd die of embarassment, have been talking to two guys on it tonight ...one is actually a mutual friend of my cousin (small world)! Not sure anything will come of any of it like but I figure I need to stop hiding behind being 'the fat girl' as an excuse as to why no one asks me out and actually see if there's a chance lol!
Oh hun you have plenty of chances! You just need to put yourself out there so blokes can see how fab you are. Which you are starting to do. :) You go shake your money maker and embrace the allure! So long as it is your cousin's friend and not your cousin. haha. I lived in Norfolk for too long...
I know what you mean Jenna, because behind all the flab I'm actually quite nice! But guys can't see past it!
Oh I asked about online dating before Jenna and i think at least two of the ladies ere had met their OH online. I did sign up but I didn't do it properly and I chickened out! Some day soon I will do it properly!
Well I've only signed up... It'll be actually having the balls to go on a date with someone that will scare the pants off me (providing they ask haha)

It's horrible isn't it Hollie though sometimes I wonder do our own body hang ups project on to others and we just assume they feel like we do?

Bless you fran, you're too nice :)
On my way home from my cousin's birthday. Ended up having one rum with two bottles of ginger ale which totted up to about 12 syns. It also turned out that they didn't do food but would let you have takeaway delivered so I had grilled chicken tikka with boiled rice so I think I'm within my limit...

Waiting for the OH who insisted he needed a burger and we're about to miss our last train!
Jenna, I think youre right, if youre not confident with yourself then you won't be attractive to guys, it's just REALLY hard!! I've always been really confident in general but the second it comes to my appearance or guys I'm like a different person, but I think that's because I've never really had much luck!! xx
Franalamadingdong said:
Laura, I wouldn't worry about the extra heb sabotaging you as much as a drunken kabab will. Lol. Have fun!

Jo! We have missed you. It sounds like we had similar 100% with a half lb gain. It is utterly heartbreaking isn't it. My C told me to go eat some fish and chips. Not that helpful! Lol. I want to keep up my 100% January streak so I didn't do it. I have no social life either. I did get invited to a play date but I forgot I have tap class then :( boo. Why us everything on at the same time?!

Jade, I'm the same. I had no control over it because I had weighed out the pasta for everyone and while I left the water to boil my dad slung in a whole packet of pasta. Grr. I could quite happily est it all, but that's not going to get these lbs off! I HATE slush. I'm from Halifax originally so do remember snow and the inevitable dirty slush. Blurgh. Well done for gym going. We just did another walk this morning while the sun was out. It is peeing down now. Blurgh splash and blurgh tom daley! Yuck.

Thanks fran i miss u girls too. It really is disheartening but know i have to dust myself down.

Ooooo pasta i can eat mountains of it do have to be careful of carbs tho with PCOS x

CH2b said:
I know fran tom daley does nothing for me either lol

Im having a lil tea party for my birthday :/ I swear people are just out to de-rail me lol oh well I will hope for a maintain at least this week, starting shred for def on monday so hopefully lose lots of inches :)

On the transfer, I rang the manager today and hes asked me to go up and see him for a chat as soon as I can get time off work so looks like we are going to visit ohs family soon lol

Exciting christie x

Jenna88 said:
Ladies, I can't remember who exactly but I know at least one of you had...who was it who met their OH online? I've finally bitten the bullet and signed up to possibly start online dating. Can't be hacking this singledom status forever!

Ooo go jenna :) fran is right im sure they will be beating down the door hun. I signed up to POF but not sure about it tbh i think u have to pay to get the good sites. Im also a forever singleton lol x

Hollie101 said:
I know what you mean Jenna, because behind all the flab I'm actually quite nice! But guys can't see past it!

Not just me then! X

Hollie101 said:
Jenna, I think youre right, if youre not confident with yourself then you won't be attractive to guys, it's just REALLY hard!! I've always been really confident in general but the second it comes to my appearance or guys I'm like a different person, but I think that's because I've never really had much luck!! xx

U girls are so right i know this feeling too well. And if anybody does show interest particularly when im out i wander whos taking the mickey behind my back! X

jessikahlashes said:
Girls! I'm drunk and home already, I managed the snow in heels! No flats needed! I waddled home, kebab in hand, oh dear oh dear!!!

Oh bless u jess. Hope you had a good night sounds like u did hehe x

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Jess, where were you out? I miss Newcastle night's out! Can't wait to be home!!
Ladies I'm drunk - resisted pizza but have had cheese on toast and crisps, had one glass of wine, quite a few voddys, and a smice...I need to go to sleep! Good night!! Xxx

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Ouch my head!! I literally slithered home, threw my jarmies on, basically inhaled my kebab and collapsed. Successful night haha!
Jess, where were you out? I miss Newcastle night's out! Can't wait to be home!!
We went to tynemouth and then went into Whitley bay where we met a few friends and then of course ended up in kebab king haha! Where in Newcastle do you live? Xx
Lol jess you make me chuckle. don't get any kabab down yourself :p

Emily I hope you get your train, if you don't you get to eat your OHs burger and it becomes syn free. ;) and you can put a shower cap on him!

Jenna you are lovely and fun and gorgey-pants, you'll be having them beating your door down.
Oh fran there wasn't time for it to land on myself, in was in my belly in around 0.5 seconds :p x
Ladies I'm drunk - resisted pizza but have had cheese on toast and crisps, had one glass of wine, quite a few voddys, and a smice...I need to go to sleep! Good night!! Xxx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Well done on resisting pizza, can't say I resisted :p hope your head isn't too sore this morning xx
Ohhhhh :( it was a rubbish night I got drenched and then I gave up my bed for my friends and slept on blow up bed, freezing have a small throw to cover me arghhhhh what a waste of makeup and syns x
Aw bless muzza x

Fran you have a fantastic memory lol

Jenna you will be fine, took me forever and an ultimatum to finally pluck up the courage to meet my oh face to face even though I was madly in love with him all that time lol in a way I wish id met him sooner so we would have had more time together but at the same time I was so young at the time I dont know if we would have made it with the distance as we wouldnt have been able to afford to see each other very often, but I think meeting online definately gave us a stronger relationship as we know each other inside out x
haha! Where in Newcastle do you live? Xx

I'm from Gosforth, you? Xx
Have a feeling I won't be needing lunch today :) 1 syn!



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