20 somethings

Aww, thanks Emily :) We had to write down our Easter goals, which is when Nate's 2nd birthday is (24th birthday, 31st Easter), and mine is my five and a half stone award.. eep.

You are doing so amazingly hun, you are in the 10s! eeii!
Thanks Fran. :) Ooh I don't know what my Easter goal is. I would like to lose a stone by 13th April (my cousin's wedding). Initially I wanted to be at target by then but I think that might be pushing it! Maybe 10.5lbs by Easter.
I want to be at target by easter :) 1 stone 4lbs to go, I can do this!!! :) xx
Well done on the losses ladies :)

Sammy, sorry to hear about your Grandad hun :( you look absolutely beautiful in your dress btw :)

A surprise 6lbs off for me tonight (totally was not expecting to lose - I feel like I've done nothing but stuff my face all week) so one more to go for a new front number and a shiny new sticker - yay!
Look what was waiting for me when I got home!

Unfortunately I've already had 7 syns today (pesto and a small glass of red wine mmmmm) so it will have to wait!


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ooh what was waiting for you? xx
YAY Emily, I had one tonight! I freaking love them. 13 syns well used I say!

Oh you girls have big Easter goals, I feel like I whimped out, but I was my goal last week too, and the one before. If I hit it early I can just maximize it like the xmas one. We write it down on a post card at group with our name on it too. then on Easter week everyone who hits their goal gets their name written on a raffle ticket and a name gets picked out of the hat. The Xmas one was a years free SW magazine subscription. This time she said it is a cash prize. I've not won one yet, despite hitting my goals each time. There will probably be another 10lbs in 10 weeks challenge coming up soon too. Which I've also hit each time and never bloody won. haha.
Sammy you look fab, love the dress! Ee I really wanna go dress shopping now but need to lose a fair bit first :(

I need to start planning my meals, im such an impulsive buyer when it comes to food and even though I stay on plan most of the time there is always times I deviate a little cos I see something I fancy, I really need to get out of that habit, might save me a bit of money too if I plan meals

30 day shred will be waiting until next week now as I feel so run down this week, constantly knackered, a good lie in friday is in need I think
Good morning girls,

Sammy I'm so sorry for your loss. Your dress is amazing and you look fab, and don't worry about the syns. Just stick to it where you can this week, it's going to be a busy week for you. xx

Girls, my "on plan" lasted until hubby came home early from his darts last night, with a chipper for me, to "cheer me up, since I've been so sick". Usually he's the one telling me "no!!!" when I want something off plan. C'est la vie. Back on it with a vengeance this morning. Just about to go demolish some fruit for breakfast. Not very hungry but if I don't eat now I won't get a chance til lunch time. It's shopping day.
I am feeling absolutely ma-hoosive today! Booo!!
Haha we all have our ways, mine is 4.5syn chocolate mousse and eclairs, profiteroles and mini donuts with choc on that are all 3 syns each :) plus cos they are frozen I can only eat what ive taken out the freezer
Sa84bry well done that's an amazing loss! What's your name. Sa84bry doesn't really roll off the tongue (or the keyboard! Lol)

Omg Emily I'm trying not to lick my screen I blimming love those!! You have far more self restraint than me! Haha

Aww fran that's rubbish! Fingers crossed for you to win this time! You'll def hit the target, you are like me opposite of me when it comes to target hitting, I don't, you do! Haha!

Christie meal planning is so worth it! Even if you don't do it strictly, I never go shopping without a list and I'm in and out sticking to the list. Doesn't always work in my favour as I only go down the aisles I need so if I've forgotten to write it, I forget to buy it! Haha! Meal planning def saves me money though, esp end of the month budget week, can list what you have, what you can make with it and add minimal ingredients to complete the meals :)

Aww Mandy men and their bloody topsy turvy logic! Mike is like that, if its my idea he refuses to budge but the very next day plants the takeaway seed! Hope you are feeling better now though and feeling good for being back on plan :)

Finally had my blood test allergy results back from when the nurse butchered my arm, def have a mild nut allergy as suspected, especially to hazelnuts (which will explain why my lips swelled up last time I tasted Nutella!) and the usual grass, trees, pollen stuff. They wanted to find out if my asthma was allergy triggered, I could have told them it wasn't but at least it means the nut allergy has been confirmed.
Evening all!

Hope everyone's well. I had my hair dyed and restyled today. You like? I was quite blonde before and all one length so quite a change.

Scarlett, do you have to do anything about your nut allergy? I presume avoid where you can, but it doesn't sound really severe?

Say your dress is beautiful! When is the big day (sorry if you said!)

Have a good evening everyone xx


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