Determination is Key
I'm far from healthy, but not as bad as I was. My poor mam is very sick now since I passed it along to her, and she can't rest since she's got my uncle with downs and my nanny living with her, as well as my two brothers. You'd think the brothers would get off their arses and help out, but no. My nan was in hospital a few days ago cos she split her shin open, so she's bedridden for the next while. It's left to my mam to do everything now, and she's not able, being so sick, so I'm going to get up early in the morning and get my own house cleaned and then go on down to hers and clean that and make the dinners. I'm fairly lucky to have my hubby who will let me couch surf and moan when I'm sick.
Today was a good day. I had fruit for breakfast and then had a mini breakfast in town (2 rashers with fat removed, beans and one slice of brown toast with low low, and a cuppa). Then I had pork chops with mash and veg for dinner.
Today was a good day. I had fruit for breakfast and then had a mini breakfast in town (2 rashers with fat removed, beans and one slice of brown toast with low low, and a cuppa). Then I had pork chops with mash and veg for dinner.