Hi girls, how is it Sunday night again?

Went to the crem with some flowers today, should have taken waders it was flooded! Managed to get to nans plot and put some flowers there but couldn't spend as long as I'd like. Felt better having been though, told her all about the holiday
Made some lentil soup for lunches this week, was going to do some more pork and paprika but ran out of time, will do that tomorrow. Anyone got any other nice pork stew type recipes? Something I can batch cook and use for a dinner and some lunch portions left over?
Good for you girls getting onto the shred, I keep threatening to do it but meh...will start again soon I promise!
Christie I always found doing it that the cool down on the DVD wasn't enough, I added extra stretches and stretched the ones she demonstrates for longer and that helped loads.
Off to bed in a mo, eating an apple and watching dancing on ice skate off. Love this programme could watch it all the time!
Had a shocking week plan wise looking back so as of tomorrow I will be prepared with snacks and low syn sweet things. Feeling the wobble again and need to get back to pre holiday! I did weigh on Thursday and had put on3lbs over holiday but I'm pretty sure it would have gone up since then! Onwards and downwards this week
