20 somethings

Its very quiet here lol
Maybe it's the end if the world. I was cooking a full English this morning for everyone. Then I had tap class, the I was making lunch for mum and I and after Nate woke up I was cooking her birthday meal. So I have just been stuck in the kitchen cooking. Loads of washing up for dad to do!
Oh sorry to hear scarlet! I hope you find something soon x

Well done mrs s!
Aww emily!!

It is CHILLY this morning! Warm up please mr sun!

Ended up with my full syns yesterday, couldn't resist the fererro rochers in the cupboard! Yum :)
I am so sick of this weather! Why the hell is it snowing again?! :(
Quiet in here tonight? Im home alone as mike is at a conference in Birmingham today, he should be home around 11 but I'm likely to be asleep by then!
Had a good day sw wise, till I got home. Rubbish, had a pizza :( was 100% yesterday and up till 6pm today. Def on it tomorrow. Need to stop using bad news as an excuse to fall off the wagon, guess that's the secret to long term weight management isn't it? Not letting moods affect what and how you eat.. Anyway that's my twopenneth for the evening! Lol x
Definitely Scarlett, that's something I need to work on. I had a major binge yesterday because I was feeling really upset. The annoying thing is it just puts us back to square one in terms of eating behaviours.

I hope things get better for you x

Where has everyone been the past few days?
I've been here jade, I just try not to post constantly else the 20 somethings would become the "fran needs to shut up NOW" thread.

Sorry to hear about your binge. What helps me is to just remember how sick I felt last time and the distract myself with a silly game or a magazine or some crafts. It sounds far too simple but it does work. Other times I will treat my body instead of punishing it. Nice hot bubble bath, lots of moisturisers etc. Keeps you busy, away from the kitchen and it feels nice.

Scarlet it isn't surprising so don't beat yourself up. How about cooking up done sw comfort foods? i forgot about the campfire stew until I read it in someone else's diary and I am SO having it tomorrow evening!

Your next family will be so lucky to have you too :)