Harley Quinn
Full Member
Fran, we're all veggie here so it's windy city most days! 
It's in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, and we're currently just south-west of London. It's not a commutable distance. If one of us gets it then one person could live on base up there but we would still need to pay for our flat down here as the other person would still have to live there. We'd also have more travel costs. Our work would try to move the other one up there asap but it might be in a really rubbish job. We want to move up there as we could afford to buy a decent 3-bed house up there, but the same money here would just about get us a maisonette.
It's all doable, and we'd work something out no matter what, but I just can't bear the thought of not being able to come home to him all week. It's silly because I've been in long distance relationships before and they've worked fine but I would just really miss him. That's what's getting me so upset I think.
Lol I know, I just can't sleep earlier, so I end up lying there annoying myself and staying awake even later.
I couldn't give up chocolate for easter without then having a huge chocolate binge on easter so I take my hat off to you! Do you want to join my 100% week? Wed-Wed? I'm looking at a gain tomorrow probably after my naughty first 3 days.