Yes, 6 weeks starting next week. Well done on the minimal gain

are you back on plan now?
I have decided to extend my 100% week to be 100% for lent. I don't do giving stuff up, and I managed 100% January just fine. I might look to see if there is a 100% lent thread later. I wanted something positive rather than denying stuff. January saw a 9.5lb loss, and november was 8.5lb loss so hopefully it'll get me that 5.5stone award (despite not even getting my 5 stone award yet.
Weighed in half a lb up, which is fine, consultant offered me to do success express and I explained that I get rubbish results with that and I'd rather stick to normal plans, then she offered me fast forward. That was a big no from me. I hate weighing and measuring and often use the grab and go stuff. I was surprised she offered it to me so soon though. I think it is because I'm usually such a consistent loser. Fast forward is grim though! If a banana and a chocolate bar have the same value I will go for chocolate every time, which is why I would suck at any other plan. I'd be hungry and full of sugar! If things get bad (like if I lost my 4 stone award, then I would. Oh, and I fitted in a nice half hour walk up two hills because dad forgot to pick me up and didn't hear the phone, thankfully he called and picked me up before I had to go up the next hill!!! This was with a pushchair and two big bags of shopping.
Big well done Tata. 2lbs of is wonderful, you will have to give our butts this week
Sweets I'm glad you and bubbs are well, despite the scare, I have heard the simple stitch is very effective so fingers crossed all will bee smooth sailing from here. Yay for weighing less now than before, just remember it is only in the third trimester you need just 200 cals more (so a couple of bananas) and you should be kicking butt and in for a much easier labour and recovery

Woop Woop for joining the little boys club. Nate gave one of the members a hug today and she cried! You have never known such a loved little boy. He has a dozen extra nanas at least!
Oh Christie, does this mean he will be a grump all evening? I hope the tests aren't for anything serious.
Well I have measured my milk, and written my food diary for today so far (not had lunch yet though) and I've written this weeks aim on the top (3lbs). Go go 100% lent!