Oh girlies, you sound like you're having terrible times! Laura, I want to come and rescue you myself! I don't like the sound of your boss one bit!
Star, when I was in training for my current job we had to give a group presentation, which was filmed, and then we watched it back with the other teams to critique it. When ours came up one guy (he was only 19 but that doesn't excuse it) said "Look how fat Emily's arms look!" Now his reasoning, apparently, was that they didn't look 'fat' in 'real life' so it was surprising that they looked so big on screen. All the same, it was a tough one to laugh off. I was mortified.
I just can't be bothered today. Feeling a bit mopey about slow weight loss. I lost 2lbs in Feb. I should be pleased - I didn't have any gains, it was just slow - but I am disappointed. My lovely 1.5lb a week average is slipping away from me. I think I might hit the soups again this week and try to do some red days. My C keeps good-naturedly scoffing at the fact I still want to lose over a stone, but I know I've been that weight before and I have clothes that still don't fit me! I just want to be there again.