Hello ladies, I'm back. Sorry i've abandoned you this past month, being back at work is so hectic I hardly have the time to get to a computer. A lot has gone on, can't remember when i last spoke to you all so here's an update. My granddad passed away on 29th January, we found out it was a heart attack. The funeral wasn't until the 20th february because he had to have a post mortem with it being so sudden, so i've been down to london for that. Jack got his first two teeth

he looks so cute with them and i can't believe he will be 1 in just under 8 weeks, time flies by way too quickly! Ben and I were going to do our wedding invites on monday (just under 6 months to go now!) so we went online to get the address of the reception venue and found out it was sold in december! Have spent all week trying to get hold of the new owners and just managed it tonight and found out they have no knowledge of our booking and that the previous owner is a crook who ran off with a load of room and wedding booking money (including our deposit!) and so now we have to try to claim our deposit back through the card company and sort out if we can still have the reception there if it's still cheap enough. only problem with that is that the new owners have refurbished it and from the photos me and ben have seen, we don't like it!! So don't know what we're going to do.
Anyway, through it all i've continued to lose weight (with a few stress related slip ups along the way) and I now only have 12lbs left to get to my final target! I'm doing a sponsored slim for candlelighters which is a childhood cancer trust to try to motivate me to lose this last bit because there's a lady in our group who's little boy has cancer and they've really helped them out. Raised £250 so far which i can get work to double, so i'm happy with that

Ben will be joining group with me on monday too as he's unhappy with his weight (not that he's got that much to lose) so will be good to have his support 100%
Anyway, hope you're ok ladies and so sorry i've been neglecting you. Will try to get on more often xx