yay star and jo! Good times!
Thanks for the kudos guys.
Sammy, I know about things seeming daunting, 2 weeks before i joined sw i weighed in at 21 stone 3 lbs (it's a wonder the scales didn't break!) Then at joining sw (post tummy bug) I was 20 stone 5lbs. I'm now 16 stone 11lbs. The 50lbs I'm only counting since joining sw. I'm aiming to get to 10 and a half stone. So the ultimate goal isn't even something I'm thinking about. I treat my interim goals as my "big goal", my half stones as my mid goals, and my silly wee 1-2lbs as my mini goals.
Hatwell, that workout sounds fun. I just do lots of walking. Hoping to take my son (17 months) swimming again tomorrow. I've not taken him for so long.
The sw quiche is just 3 eggs beaten together with a small tub of cottage cheese, then add any filling you like, if we do bacon and onions then we cook those off in a pan with fry light first. then just mix whatever you like in it, plop it in a pie dish, or any shallow dish, sprayed with fry light, then bake on GM6 for about 30-45 minutes... just until the middle is cooked.