I know exactly what you feel about school hun, I started gaining weight at 12 and was at least 13st by the time I finished at 16 if not more and I got picked on every day but the way I see it is the same as you see yours, how my life was then has shaped who I am now and I also love knowing that my OH loved me before he even knew what I looked like and loves me even more since, I have true love in my life and the people who picked on me are still single 6 years later and unhappy
So now, I'm 22, I'm married and I'm generally happy in life but I still have that paranoia about all my friends - particularly work colleagues and other students on my college course. I wonder if they're actually my friends or if they all talk about me behind my back. It drives me insane because they're grown men and women, why would they do that? But I just can't shake the feeling that they do![]()
Ben has been doing some unpaid placements for a charity organisation that he was put on to through the job centre, so he has that down to try stop the big gap in employment being so huge. The job centre are bloody horrible and I can't stand them, they make him go down to sign on every fortnight, only manage to find him unpaid jobs and yet he doesn't get a penny from them, hasn't had a penny in jobseekers allowance ever, we jaw to survive on my maternity pay. It's ridiculous. Can't wait till he gets a proper job and we have a bit of money, at the moment out money has to do us, plus bills plus try to save for the wedding next year!! Xx
Hope you're all having a good Saturday. I'm starving today, should never have had a curry last night, totally stretches my appetite. Urgh!
SW chips and lamb chops tonight. Can't wait!!