20 somethings

Star your friends are silly. Mine was after I had Nate though so you get used to whipping your bits out for everyone to have a prod. Do they not realise they see LOADS of fannys? Honest i think drs and nurses must all be pervs: if it isn't a fanny, bum, or Willy it is a boil or something stinky. Mad, the lot of 'em.

This made me fall about laughing! I'd love to be a midwife but its not cos I love fanny, honestly! Haha!
Ooh sounds interesting! What about? X

Obama made a sexist comment, I was debating (as a 'radical feminist blogger') against this Conservative American woman (CNN contributor, hosts her own radio show) about whether it was sexist or not. :p
Ooh Harley that's very exciting! Are you a radical feminist or is that just what they called you? I'm naughty with debates and tend to bring things down to semantics or accuse the other person of doing it, or (in school not uni) just get the other person flustered so they get annoyed at make silly personal tenses and then I'd spin that to make them look so rediculous no one else would listen to what they said. That was a business conference project for the whole of 6th form for 2 days. My brain doesn't work anymore. I used to debate stuff with my brother but they'd get pissed off with me and my dad would point out I did a degree in arguing and he wasn't going to win.

Lol, star they'll be in for a shock. It isn't even your lady bits, your boobs become everyone's property too.

Scarlet, you would think what happened with jade goody would be enough for people to get checked out. It is so quick and easy it is mad.
I don't think either of us won - it was more to get both points across really. Basically Obama referred to the (female) Attorney General of California as the 'best looking attorney general in the country' and there was uproar from a lot of circles about how she deserves better than to be reduced to her appearance. :)

Yes Fran I'm a radical feminist - not the fun kind of feminist, but not the scary kind of radical feminist either. ;)
Im not exactly looking forward to when I have my first smear test but my mum had one when she was about 24 and then caught for me when she was 25 they failed to tell her in this 1 year gap between smear test and doctors appointment when she found out she was pregnant that she had cervical cancer and then they told her to abort me or we could both die, so I definitely think its a necessity
Your all going to shout at me but I haven't been for one yet. Its not that I'm embarrassed, I spend my life with my hand up a foof or a bum, all be it a cow or sheep! I got my letter about 6 months ago and thought yep, I'm on it! But somehow its got to 6 months later, may even be a year to think of it, no idea where the times gone, I have no excuses I guess I just forgot. I don't have that many female friends around here and its never been discussed, its just gone out my head.

Do I ring the gp surgery for an app? You've reminded me and now I want it done. I sound so pathetic saying I forgot!
I can understand that Muzza as its not the best wording,well remember you have age on your side and let us know how you get on. It is embarrassing and awkward but just one of those many things us ladies have to do

Fran yep they're idiots, its not like the Doc/nurse even cares what they look like as you say they've seen loads. And they're trying to get pregnant so what do they expect will happen when they're giving birth!

Your all going to shout at me but I haven't been for one yet. Its not that I'm embarrassed, I spend my life with my hand up a foof or a bum, all be it a cow or sheep! I got my letter about 6 months ago and thought yep, I'm on it! But somehow its got to 6 months later, may even be a year to think of it, no idea where the times gone, I have no excuses I guess I just forgot. I don't have that many female friends around here and its never been discussed, its just gone out my head.

Do I ring the gp surgery for an app? You've reminded me and now I want it done. I sound so pathetic saying I forgot!

Me too! X
Thanks ladies, I think mine basically means I have pre cancerous cells once I get treatment I will be fine. Just like to know what to expect and if anyone else I know has been through it xx
Tut tut clare! ;) hehe Yes just ring your surgery and they will book you in with the nurse.

Muzzy it's a very common thing to have treatment for the pre cancerous cells that's why smears are so important that it enables them to pick up and treat the cells really easily at that stage. When do you need to go? Try not to worry it will be fine :) x
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Thanks Scarlett just awaiting hospital letter will keep you all informed :) I know everything will be fine just glad I got checked out as early as I could literally two days after my 25th birthday x
Well we're all here for you muzza. :)

Clare just ring and ask for an appointment with the nurse. I left mine about 2 months just because I had to find a time when my parents could watch Nate while I went and thry kept going on their jollies. My mum kept putting hers off, and her mammagram until I nagged at her. The smears she's had before but just doesn't like being prodded. The mammagram was because she'd heard it hurt. But there was no problem with it being later than when they sent a letter put telling her to book.

Christie, that's shocking. Way to go for your mum being stubborn. :)

I just wondered Harley because sometimes the opposing side will label someone as a radical feminist in order to smear them, evoking misgivings about women hating men etc, as opposed to what it actually means. Coincidentally I was watching a programme about mary wolstencraft yesterday. I do agree that her appearance wouldn't be an issue worth raising were she a man and it did belittle and patronize her, and all professional women, as though their career is simply a hobby or playing dress-up. That may or may not have been the intention, it is probably due to the culture that first you see a woman, but you hear a man. Saying it is a part of the culture doesn't make it acceptable though. Much like the banking culture of taking crazy risks, it didn't make it right and heads have now rolled because of it.
Hi everyone, OH and I have today had our first big argument since moving in together (and probably in the last couple of years if I'm honest!!) and I'm gutted. I totally over reacted, he under-reacted (I.e. me crying, him tidying up!!), which is usually how these things go. We rarely fall out, but once every blue moon we rub each other up the wrong way and it ends up being a big deal about nothing!

The argument was over something really small and ridiculous, but we've spent the weekend bickering and leading up to it really and that's why I got upset! I think he's realised he was also in the wrong as he's now gone to the footy clearly feeling bad and with his tale between his legs!

I'm gonna spend the day getting the house ready for my best 3 girlfriends coming to visit tomorrow, then OH annoyingly invited his parents round for dinner at 8pm tonight, which he will be cooking!

I just have that horrible deflated feeling you get after an argument and a good cry! X

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Laura *hug* xx its horrible arguing like that but at least its done and out the way! If its been building up over the weekend it will had cleared the air. If it was over something small its easy to move on. Hopefully being out for the day will give him time to think then tonight you can get on with the making up ;) it is a horrible feeling though but try and take a deep breath and get on with your day happy that its over with xx
Oh Laura :(. Me and the OH had our biggest argument about something stupid (I felt he was overcooking expensive steak and he got cross about me telling him to follow the packet instructions). He never shouts at me so it was a big shock. I knew it'd escalated ridiculously for what it was, so I decided to go and put the new tax disc in the car and cool down a minute. When I got back he was gone. I was devastated but feeling bloody minded so I left it. An hour later he still wasn't back so I text him asking where he was. He reappeared and it turned out he didn't realise where I'd gone (I thought he'd seen me pick up the tax disc) so he'd been wandering the streets in the rain looking for me. We'd both been crying, the steaks were ruined anyway and it was all over nothing important. We needed the time to both cool down, take stock and say sorry. It was all fine and we were very loved up after that, and it probably did us good to shake off some complacency!

As for you girlies who are due smears, please, please, please, please go. I am 26 and have already lost a friend from school and a friend from uni to cervical cancer. Sophie developed it before she was even due her first smear, and Laura didn't book an appointment and just went to the doctors feeling rundown and thinking she was anaemic. Please go! I've had 2 already that thankfully were clear - my mum has had abnormal smears that thankfully were clear on subsequent visits. Give them a chance to pick up any abnormalities as soon as possible!
I know fran shocking doctors, she should have sued them when she had the chance, she ended up carrying me full term and a bit more lol im stubborn too 3 weeks late, you would have thought they would have started her off by then if they were that concerned about her cancer but no they just left her until she went into labour naturally, as soon as I was born she went down and had the neck of her cervix removed

Laura me and my OH have arguments like that every so often but it helps get out all frustrations and then u can move on and be happy again, I always have a good cry cos im way too sensitive lol makes him feel guilty after a while haha
Got the prototype pic of my bouquet today :) so excited to see what it pooks like in real life
