Only 3lb! I have only ever lost 3lb in one week and that was my first week! Be chuffed with yourself, I'm chuffed for you! Your a star!
The only one good thing about having a stomach bug and feeling lousy is that I think this is the first time ever I've not wanted to eat! Had to go back to work after day off sick on tues but I shouldn't have done, I feel rubbish. Thankfully no call outs last night and I was in bed asleep by 8.30pm! Roll on weekend!
Well done on the new job! I'm so jealous, I'm desperate for a new job! I think I'm goin to use this week away as a way to get my head straight about what I want to do, I'm absolutely shattered and working 2 out of 4 weekends isn't good enough anymore, I want a quality of life. We keep telling clients to think about their pets quality of life so why should I not think about my own!
OH went to see his brother in law last night and the absolute legend that he is says he'll milk while we're away so getting it booked tonight! So excited! The sad thing is I miss my dogs already and I've not gone yet!!