20 somethings

Hi again Sammy. Wow what a time you've had. I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, what a hard time for you both it must have been, echoing what fran said we are all here if you need to talk, scream, vent whatever x
Great news about bens new job though! What a relief that he is back in work.
Good to see you back xx
Right, 30dl day shred done now too, absolutely shattered! Off to run myself a nice hot bath :) xx
Wow sammy your a braver woman than I am with those 2! The thought of it makes my muscles hurt! Nice to meet you by the way :) I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish time of things, been through something similar myself and still can't talk about it, but I'm so happy to see you being so positive :)

Those wounds sound horrible! If that's not an excuse for some Milky Way stars I don't know what is!! are you still glad you had the surgery? You do look absolutely beautiful, you must be so proud if yourself :)
Welcome back sammy xxxx sorry to hear about the miscarriage sounds like an awful time uve had, glad things are starting to look up with the new job for ben and hope jack is doing good and glad you are positive about weightloss again x I also want to be in a bikini or at least a tankini for my honeymoon rather than a one piece and a coverup lol
Ouch sound sore jess, your much braver than I am I could never even have the op im such a scaredy cat, lets hope my skin hasnt lost its elasticity or im stuffed lol
Thanks hunny. Jacks doing great thanks, he turned 1 last week, I cant believe how quickly it's gone! We had a pokemon themed party and I made a LOT of cake, so much so that I gave myself repetitive strain injury in my right shoulder lol! It absolutely killed, I could hardly even pick jack up! Heres my little big boy now :) xx
Not sure if the photo of jack uploaded then or not, you'll have to let me know as im trying to work out how to use this phone and the app xx
Oh Jess that sounds rotten :( great recovery though. I forgot baked beans and broccoli are great for iron, and fortified cereals and dairy products. If you up the vitamin c that will help too. I was just popping vitamin c tablets at the time, just to make sure, but citrus fruits, peppers and tomatoes are all good. So turkey pizza sounds like a good meal one day.

I see no picture Sammy. Bless him turning one though! How much fun! This next year with him is going to be amazing.
Wow sammy your a braver woman than I am with those 2! The thought of it makes my muscles hurt! Nice to meet you by the way :) I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish time of things, been through something similar myself and still can't talk about it, but I'm so happy to see you being so positive :)

Those wounds sound horrible! If that's not an excuse for some Milky Way stars I don't know what is!! are you still glad you had the surgery? You do look absolutely beautiful, you must be so proud if yourself :)
Thank you so much, I don't regret the surgery one bit, I didn't expect these complications but I know in the long run it will be worth every minute of this!! Xxx
Ouch sound sore jess, your much braver than I am I could never even have the op im such a scaredy cat, lets hope my skin hasnt lost its elasticity or im stuffed lol
Haha it had been a tough ride!! And a long one, got a way to go yet xx
Oh Jess that sounds rotten :( great recovery though. I forgot baked beans and broccoli are great for iron, and fortified cereals and dairy products. If you up the vitamin c that will help too. I was just popping vitamin c tablets at the time, just to make sure, but citrus fruits, peppers and tomatoes are all good. So turkey pizza sounds like a good meal one day.

I see no picture Sammy. Bless him turning one though! How much fun! This next year with him is going to be amazing.

I'm on months and months worth of iron tablets, almost had a blood transfusion when I was in hospital as the first few times I got up I fainted and my blood count was majorly low and I need iron, I'm just starting to get colour back in my cheeks, for a month I've been whiter then white!! Thanks for all the ideas on foods, gives me loads to have, here's me living on eggs when there's so much variety haha xxx
Wow jess looks like I missed a lot! Hope youre ok and heal quickly. Once you're allowed baths I recommend mixing a couple of drops of lavendar oil with a tiny bit of milk and adding it to the water, it will help you heal in no time xx
No pic sammy but aww 1 already! Time sure does fly x
Think this one should work. He took 9 steps in a row today, hes getting braver! :) xx


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Here's one of the two of us :) xx


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Here he is with his daddy :) he went on his first fairground rides 2 weeks ago :) xx


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And this was the result of his first ice cream lol, gave him a full mr whippy and he ate the lot (apart frome what went all over his face lol!) Xx


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oh Sammy he is so cute! I love his podgy belly! Toddler bellies are awesome. And you are looking so slim! And Ben's eyes are really pretty by the way.

I hate those iron tablets Jess, they are so manky tasting! Urgh! I found half a packet today whilst packing stuff up. So sorry you had such a rough time of it. I'd recommend having meals that combine the protein, iron and vitamin C if you can. I bet you are getting a bit sick of eggs by now! and even though it isn't SW you need to get yourself better first so have a couple of small glasses of milk a day. It can be skimmed, semi-skimmed or full fat, whatever you prefer. If you have been on antibiotics have some natural yogurt too.
Wow sammy your a braver woman than I am with those 2! The thought of it makes my muscles hurt! Nice to meet you by the way :) I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish time of things, been through something similar myself and still can't talk about it, but I'm so happy to see you being so positive :)

Those wounds sound horrible! If that's not an excuse for some Milky Way stars I don't know what is!! are you still glad you had the surgery? You do look absolutely beautiful, you must be so proud if yourself :)

Nice to meet you too hunny :) sorry you've been through something similar, I wouldn't wish it on anybody :( xx
Toddler bellies are super cute :) I love Ben's eyes, they're what first made me attracted to him ;) we both have blue eyes and jack has taken the best of both of us because his eyes are amazing.

Did you say when you're in halifax hunny? Maybe we could meet for a cuppa if you wanted? Xx
Oh sorry I completely forgot to say. I'm up on the 13th and 14th. It's my brother's birthday on the 13th, so his party is in the evening, I keep pestering my parent's as to when we are arriving (on the 13th or the day before) and when we are seeing my grandma. It'd be lovely to meet up for a cuppa, I can't be sure on which day yet, but we are definitely up on the 13th and 14th. Hoping to have my 6.5 stone award by then, which'll be a fun shock for my friends and family still up there!
Oh so cute sammy I agree the eyes are striking x