Hey sellierose, you are always welcome. What do you study? Graduation is so exciting. I wish I had lost weight for then.
You guys seem to be doing great with weightloss. Sorry I haven't been around. My internet has just been set up today in my new house.... AND..... I have a job. I start July firsteverything is slotting into place now. Only downside is I don't think my body is coping with all I have lost. I'm hoping it will balance itself out. It is super nice to be back online now!
Hey everyoneI studied photography, loved it but finding it so hard to adjust to being at home, it really gets me down and I don't really have anyone I can talk to about it
Have been really good this week! Maybe a few bad things but generally stayed within my syns! Weigh in tomorrow night! Hopefully would if hit my 3lbs mark for my 7lb sticker hehe
Hope ur all doing well x
Welcome back fran! New job and new house, things are going well for you atm, what job is it? X
Welcome back Jo hun hope you are ok glad things are improving in your life and you sound alot more positive now about your weightloss journey x
Welcome back sellie x
Well I took my dad out for a meal today and the four of us decided to do the burger challenge 1kg of food, the burgers were the size of my head and there was two along with 2 breaded chicken fillets, bacon, spicy chilli and onions in a bun with a side of chips an onion rings, I did quite well but didnt eat it all lol my dad failed too but my oh and my brother managed all theirs and got their pics on the wall of flame lol
Hey everyone! Hope you don't mind if I join in! I'm 22 and am pretty sure I am the youngest in my SW group by a long shot so would be great to have you all to chat with! xx
Hey guys just starting, ant pointers I don't go to meetings as I do shift work. Looking for any tips with little free foods that aren't in book. Thanks
Hi Everyone
Jo, sounds like a tough time for you just now :-( sounds like you're doing well with your weight loss though. x
Welcome Tasha and David.
There's loads of tips and meal ideas on Minimins so you're in the right placeMost free foods should be in the book, my favourites are eggs as you can do so much with them and tatties for chips and roast tatties
I fell of plan this weekend :-( back on it today and hoping it's not ruined my chance of a nice los on Wednesday! x
Official WI for me today and I STS. I knew that 5lb loss would bite me in the ass this week lol
Ugh stayed the same this week! Can't complain tho as it was mums bday and had cake! Then had a night out on the town Saturday night then a Father's Day/ bday BBQ Sunday and had a few things I shouldn't of!
This week coming is a different story however!!! 3lbs is my target and I'm gonna do my
Bloody best to reach it wahooo