Hey Christie, thanks, things have just been a bit full on. Finding the balance is hard, every 6 months I seem to need a blow out, but then it is out of my system and I carry on happily. I sorted my chocolate into a tin with stuff 6 syns and under and a bag 7 syns + which I have to stand on a chair to reach. I had a curly wurly yesterday, which I haven't had in ages because I keep picking higher syn stuff, but I was happy with just that. I dunno if it will help you at all though. It is such a shame there isn't a group for you to go to. Despite the odd person here and there I would be lost without my group. It gives a good view into the future if I don't sort myself out now. I don't want to be in my late 70s and eating a jar of peanut butter with a spoon, or not eating for a whole day, or going up and down 3 stone every year because I haven't got to grips with weight and food. It sounds horrible, but it really isn't a future I want for myself.
Do you do a food diary? I like doing a paper one so if I bite it I write it! Drink it, ink it! Etc. Finding solutions for problems is good too. I hate throwing out food, but say Nate doesn't finish something that for me would be synful, I can put it in my compost bin, making compost for next year when I will hopefully growing some veggies! So it isn't a waste now, it is saving money on buying compost next year. Or I want something to eat but I'm not hungry, I have a drink, play a game with Nate, read a magazine, anything to absorb me for a while.
Shadowing today is just 3-5, normal hours are 4 hour slots across 4 days, so it isn't too intensive or too long away from my little monster.