hehe, well so far everyone is SO nice! Monday was tea and a meeting at the vicar's house, followed by a BBQ and SO much food and CAKE, I got sunburned. Then tuesday I got a bunch of stuff started off, wednesday was a day off then today i had lots of visitors, helped the vicar shift some stuff round, dealt with a few emails and just did a few bits and bobs, then the bible track (a course) people came in, including the old admin so it was hugs and chats, then I got a few other bits ticked off and I snuck out the back, popped home (literally, i cross a road, go down some steps, cross another road and walk about 20 yards and I'm home) and Nate was having his nap. Really glad he is going down for mum. We were both a bit concerned he wouldn't go down. Tomorrow I have a funeral on and Sunday my old neighbour is getting confirmed over in another town. But that's all sorted and ready. I've to go to church on Sunday again to remind the vicar to read the last Banns for two weddings. I'm just so enjoying being USEFUL and not just a mummy who's brain has melted away. And because it is so relaxed and everyone is so lovely it is just nice to go to work. I think it only being 16 hours of 4 4hour stints helps too! I had a little worry today for the funeral tomorrow, but I've sorted it pretty easily which is good. The vicar invited me round to lunch in the middle of my shift too. So sweet.