Silver Member
Ps fran is this the weekend you're in halifax?
Welcome katie xx
Welcome katie xx
You can get pills from the docs that you can take for a week and it delays your period while you take them but as im allergic to normal pill I dont think it would be an option for me
Im hoping the shred will tone up my arms as I lost 2 inches on them last time when I did it for 9 days
Alot of the regulars only post on their diaries nownot seen emily for a bit, mandy hasnt been here for months as she had a lot on, everyones probably too busy making the most of the summer lol
Well played Sam, hope you managed to stay dry last night without them noticing again and that you're still having a fun timeAlso that trip home sounds awful without the hangovers (I get travel sick
) so I really hope you have a safe and vomit free journey lol
Welcome Lisa, 11 is a great lossYes your start weight isn't ideal but you are doing the best thing you can for your health and that will come down, just think after one week you're already in the 26's!! I bet before the end of the month you'll be near, if not in the 25's. I have a lot of respect for people who try to do something about their weight themselves when they have more to lose so we'll all be here to help you every step of the way x
Hi Talisha, welcome to the 20 somethings, that's a very good start, keep it up and you'll make those dreams a reality
So pleased you are happy with your hair cut CHMy hair is very very thick so I love when I have it thinned out and though I can never make it look as good as the hair dressers I love how much quicker it dries lol But yes especially with the colour it would be great to see how it looks
Well it's another lovely day but it's so muggy it doesn't make me want to do anything so am at home with the windows open enjoying listening to the birds singing
And with that you will do itIt's ever so easy to stick to as this isn't a diet in the typical way as you don't have to deprive yourself of anything and the superfree and free foods lists are so long you can make so many healthy meals as long as you plan your food and have support around you you will succeed.
I love the colour of your hair, I have fair hair anyway but in the past had highlights to make it even blonder but they were always more yellow than I wanted so I gave up, grew it out and for the first time in 15 years I have my natural hair colour....thought I should make the most of it before I go grey lol x