To be honest hun I think divorce (in most but not all circumstances) is actually the easy way out. A lot of people get lazy in their relationships and stop working at them and with divorce being so easily available they just take the eaay option. I agree with it in cases such as abuse or adultery etx but feel that when timea get tough you have to work through them. When a couple meet and fall in love there are endorphins all over the place. Eventually the newly in love or lust feeling fades and then you have a choice: you can leave that person and seek those same feelings with someone new where, eventually, the same thing will happen again, or you can make a choice to love that person you're with, make the effort and work at it. There are always difficult times, but if you work at them together you come out of the other side stronger for it. Ben and I will have been together 4 years on the day before our wedding, and for 2 and a half of those years he was out od work and I was the only means of support, even when I was on maternity leave, as he never claimed job seekers. It was so hard, and once I returned to work in january and he was meant to be looking after jack, he felt he had no purpose. He got lazy, stopped looking for work, didnt clean the house, so I worked all day, came home to a super messy house and had to clean up ans look after jack all by myself. It didnt help that I hated my job and felt I was trapped because, even though I wouldnt, I didnt have the option of just quitting if I wanted. I thought about leaving him quite a bit, but I love him and I decided it was wirth working through. I talked to him, told him how I felt, it turned out he was depressed and feeling useless so gad no get up and go. So I gave him an ultimatum. I said if he hadn't found a job by a certain time that I was cancelling the wedding. Thst gave him the drive he needed and he got a job. The relief was immediate and our relationship improved overnight and we are much stronger together now. Leaving him would have been the easy way out in my opinion, but we worked at it and got through it.
Sorry for the essay lol but it's something I feel quite strongly about as you can see lol xx