20 somethings

I cant remember the last time I worried about what I was eating! Starting shred today, trying to reduce the bingo wings before wedding! Will be eating better also for the next few weeks to hopefully shift a little bit of weight but not so worried atm as wedding worries are more important lol

Congrats danni x fab news x
Well done for getting straight back on it camz, thats what I intend to do after wedding when I got money again! You will shift that gain in no time x
*Sneaks back in* Sorry girlies, it's been months. I stopped going to group because I had just got myself in a bit of a gain cycle and I was just putting more and more pressure on myself but making it worse - and my C was basically a bit rubbish and didn't support me because she thought I'd lost enough anyway. Then as I kept struggling I just felt too sheepish to come on here - which was silly.

So I tried doing it alone, but that was clearly a silly idea as I'm back nearly a stone heavier! With that said, I have spent a month on an army base with no control over my food whatsoever, and at least half a stone went on then - and it's been a mad few weeks with birthdays and my little sister leaving to travel for a year. I've managed to maintain for a few weeks (still lots of naughty social events happening and I haven't really tried to be good at them) but it's time to kick some butt again!

It's just 7.5 weeks until my holiday - I've bought a tankini, a bikini and a fairly revealing swimming costume and I am determined to wear something sexy with pride! I know I won't have my perfect body but I've rejoined the gym and have been upping my exercise levels so I'm not quite as white and wobbly!

Congratulations, Sammy and Danni, on the baby news! That's wonderful!

Christie, I can't believe your wedding's nearly here!! I think we need a dress pic... :D

Here we go!
Welcome back lyrically :) that's not a bad gain especially with not having control over your food, you'll get that off no bother xx
Thanks, Danni! I tried not to eat the fried potato sides and I refused dessert every night, so I suppose I should give myself a little more credit..!

Another hour in the gym this evening! I'm determined to at least be vaguely toned!
Aww that's so exciting! Sounds like you're almost there with everything :) x

I've been waiting until my 12 weeks but can now say Im pregnant! Due 25th Feb, when are you due Sammy?

I was aiming to maintain for first 12 weeks but was ill last week and I've lost 1lb so Im happy with that :)

Congratulations hunny!!! Im due 22nd february! Yay! We can be belly buddies! :) xx
Wedding in 2 and a half weeks! Had my hen night saturday and sneakily managed not to have any alcohol all night with none of my hens noticing thanks to my bridesmaids! Was a great night though and I had 11 random men on nights out strip for me!!! It was so funny! So after a night at the cinema on friday, hen night saturday and food and drink festival sunday I gained 3.5lbs :( thibg is I declared target before I told my consultant I was pregnant so I get to go for free even when I leave my target range (which I did last night) so thats great! :) xx
Thank you :)

Only a few days between us Sammy!
Bet you can't wait for your wedding to tell everyone :) x
They should be able to tell at 20 week scan so I'm going to find out but that won't be until October. :)
Ive got my 20 week scan booked for 4th october so will hopefully find out then if bubba is willing to show us! My forst thought was girl so will see if u was right or not. I was right with jack I knew he was a boy straight away, but will wait and see if im right this time too. Only 2 weeks on saturday until we can let everyone know! Then I can breathe out lol! :) then honeymoon amd coming back to the scan! :) xx
Id love to start having kids straight after we get married, I always get a horrible feeling that since everything seems to go against us that so will that :(
Sure it won't Christie xx

I was the same thinking something won't work!
Everything crossed for you when it comes to trying, Christie! You deserve some good luck - you've had to do enough waiting for your bloomin' wedding!

I love all this baby chatter. I'm so broody at the moment. It's not the right time for us, but my OH is now a godfather to our friend's 6 month old and he's starting to get broody too! Yay! Lots of stuff to do first though...

I'm feeling really focused this week. I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 2lbs since last week! Feels really good to be back on it. I'm enjoying taking some time out at the gym too. Yesterday there were only 2 of us in my Spinning class so we just pulled all the bikes really close together and had a good old (breathless) girly natter about weddings as we cycled - the hour went by so quickly!

Liz - what a loss in your first week back! Congratulations!
Hey Emily lovely to see you back xx

Congratulations Danni x
Thanks Em, I was shocked to see how much I lost the first week. But I have to admit, that the week before that was a disaster, so I guess I just quickly lost what I had gained...! Usually I don't expect more than a loss of 0.5 - 0.7 kg per week.

Christie, I agree with the rest, that this isn't the way you should be thinking about the future baby situation. You have to be positive! I'm sure it will work out just fine!
Christie I was told that I woukd need help to conceive and wouldnt conceive naturally because of my pcos. Somehow I conceived jack naturally after only 6 months of trying! He's our little miracle :) my pcos is gone now that ive lost weight and this bubba as you all know was a complete surprise! When you're meant to be a mummy you will be :)

We got the results of the test for downs syndrome today and its come back as a 1 in 100,000 chance, so thats fantastic as the test with jack said a 1 in 2,800 chance, and we were happy with that so this is a lot better! :)

Jack's suit for the wedding arrived today, needs taking up in the leg and maybe the arms of the jacket but look how cute he is!! :D xx
The pic didn't post so will try again xx


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