I love sardines on toast, in tomato sauce is better then the plain IMO! Honestly taste better then they look, OH wanted to try some last week so I opened the tin he took one look and said no way, so I had them instead! I'm having a fish week this week, I have good losses in fish weeks haha xxYeah, and jess can show us her pics to kick our arses. I am lighter than I was this time last year so that's a win.I know it'll annoy my c for me to rejoin, she was hoping I'd be good publicity, but it is for me and I can't afford to forget that again. I'm excited to have a new 10% aim, no aiming for what I had gotten down to. No scan bran though. Urgh. Mum got me the latest magazine as a pretty Xmas present. Lol. So I'm doing the week in the magazine this week. Not looking forward to sardines on toast. Never tried them before. I hope it's not gross!
Olives!! What a poppet haha, my girls wouldn't even touch them, that's so strange I feel full up with fish, I eat so much salmon, I'm obsessed. Let me know what you think of sardines, you've made me fancy sardines on toast now! XxxOh good, I bought the tomato one! I'll try it! If I have fish weeks I feel really hungry all the time. I'm just doing the normal basic planI tried to do fresh start and asked my c not to mention my total loss and she just carried on regardless, if I'm a new member she won't have the past info. Nate can be a knob with food. I've let Xmas slide and now we are out of festivities I've put my foot down and started the dictatorship of mummy. He discovered he loves olives and caperberries this Xmas. Lol
Haha being fishy!! I'm going to my grandmas with the girls for the day, can't wait! Girls love grams! Hope you have a lovely day on your wander! What will you make up in your packed lunches? XxI think I've got them down for Saturday morning, saving my heb for lunch tomorrow, I might well be organised and make packed lunches for us tomorrow. We are having a wander round town and on the sea front if it's not too windy. Taking the day off because the bank holiday fell on my day off. Back to 4 day weeks from Monday. Boo. Have you got any plans for tomorrow? beyond being fishy![]()
Welcome mrs! And thank you so much!Hey i've just subscribed. I'm Ann, 22... 23 at the end of the month. Starting on my own from tomorrow but rejoining group next wed. jessicahlashes you have done so well!!
That's not bad going at all!! 32 weeks!! Eek not long!! Are you excited? XxxWelcome AnnLoving everyone's motivation. I'm just trying to be healthy until baby comes and I can start trying to lose again from March
I'm almost back to my heaviest weight I was a year ago but that's not too bad considering I'm now 32 weeks pregnant