20 somethings

I go in the morning purely because it's the only one near me. I also have to consider munchkin so i wouldn't be able to go to an evening group. I think it depends on your lifestyle really. What are you most likely to go to. Morning groups are largely older people who are retired and mums who have babies or kids at school and some shift workers. If you want a group similar to your age I think the evening group would be your better bet.

Got to love mum calling me at work to ask if I want tea as she's made too much. Woop. Down side is I have no leftovers for when I'm super hungry at 9pm! Nate didn't like his mini curly wurly either so I got it for 3.5 syns. Score. He ate two mini mince pies instead. Odd child.
I think crisis is solved lol I think the parish hall im looking for is the very large building right next to the church in the same grounds lol would seem an obvious choice but I have only ever seen asian people go in there (and its round for some reason :/) so assumed it was an asian only thing as we have alot of asian christians around here, turns out its just an asian womens group so they probably just hire the hall lol anyway I figure if I hang around outside at about 6.45pm on tuesday I should see a fair few people going in so should know for definite haha

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Could you phone the person who runs it sp you can make sure you have the right place ?
I checked the boards inside the church as there was no others outside the hall and was locked and it said about youth group being in the parish hall, I probably will give her a ring monday just to make sure lol

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There was no mention of sw anywhere but not sure if they might have had a board inside the hall :/ I will ring monday just to make sure they are still there if not I will do the morning one instead

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Hi ladies, happy new year! Hope you're all well :) sorry I haven't been around much, with work full time, looking after jack and growing this baby and feeling exhausted all the time I just haven't had much time to get online. Loved seeing your before and after pics Jess, i'll try to post some of mine if it will let me yet. Ive gained just over 2 stone with this pregnancy so far, but all seems to be bump and I'm having a big baby so they tell me. Can't believe im 33 weeks already and that I'll have another little boy next month (if not before... I've a feeling he's going to come early!). Anyway hope you're all well, im looking forwars to getting back on the SW wagon properly soon :) xx

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Grr it womt let me post photos still :( xx

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O0o0 ive been so poorly the last few days really suffering with my tummy. Apparently theres a bug going around but all I want is bread and cake but so far resisted. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Hi ladies, happy new year! Hope you're all well :) sorry I haven't been around much, with work full time, looking after jack and growing this baby and feeling exhausted all the time I just haven't had much time to get online. Loved seeing your before and after pics Jess, i'll try to post some of mine if it will let me yet. Ive gained just over 2 stone with this pregnancy so far, but all seems to be bump and I'm having a big baby so they tell me. Can't believe im 33 weeks already and that I'll have another little boy next month (if not before... I've a feeling he's going to come early!). Anyway hope you're all well, im looking forwars to getting back on the SW wagon properly soon :) xx

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Happy anniversary lovely! Today is my MILs birthday so we are going for tea tonight. The restaurant is Brazilian so in hoping for chicken skewers, steaks etc :)

I'm going to refrain from having a drink, me and OH have sworn off booze and takeaways for Jan as a little resolution so that's fine, and have only had 1 SYN today so hoping I will be fine :)

Ooh also ... My car conked out yesterday (only passed my test 3 weeks ago!!) so today I decided to treat myself to a brand new one :-D picking it up on Monday - it's a white Hyundai i10 and I LOVE it!!


Back to it good and proper now!

Starting weight 13st 7...

Wk 1 -
Hello sammy! Can't believe your 33 weeks already!! How fast! Loving the car Laura and tata happy anniversary! Odeon nachos are sooo good, I rarely go to the cinema now but last time I did was for the premiere of the latest twilight and the queue was so long to get in my entire large nachos were in my belly before I got to my seat haha!! What are you going to see? Just had a gorgeous bubble bath and snuggled up for the night, going to watch a film and have an early night I think! Hope everyone is well and having a good week! Xx
Ooh your night sounds nice hun. I think I might read one of my crafty books. Ive done no sewing etc since before Xmas. I know I need to get some black out fabric to run up Nate's curtains and I might spend some of my gift cards online too. Other than that I'll be sitting on my bum watching tv trying to catch up on all the stuff recorded over Christmas
Ooh your night sounds nice hun. I think I might read one of my crafty books. Ive done no sewing etc since before Xmas. I know I need to get some black out fabric to run up Nate's curtains and I might spend some of my gift cards online too. Other than that I'll be sitting on my bum watching tv trying to catch up on all the stuff recorded over Christmas
Your night sounds just as good! Laid back night is always good! Have you got anything nice picked out with the gift cards? Xxx
Hello everyone, *subbing*. I'm 27 and join slimming world on Monday...jessica, I just saw your pics you look amazing! I hope you dont mind me asking this, but I haven't always been my weight...I used to be very slim and I think I am worried about getting loose skin once all the extra weight has gone. Did you have any? And if so, was gymming it enough to tone up?x
Nate needs a little backpack, and I want new house phones and the blackout fabric. I have £140 to spend, so plenty leftover. I think I need a vat of tea and to tidy the lounge. Mum and dad are coming tomorrow for tea, I doubt they want to break their necks on trucks
Haha I'm sooo glad we have a playroom for the girls now in our new place so the toy mess can stay behind closed doors, I went in tonight to put some washing on the radiator and found Lily's justin bieber barbie sporting a very sexy pink barbie dress and found this on their easel, must have been a surprise!! X
Hello everyone, *subbing*. I'm 27 and join slimming world on Monday...jessica, I just saw your pics you look amazing! I hope you dont mind me asking this, but I haven't always been my weight...I used to be very slim and I think I am worried about getting loose skin once all the extra weight has gone. Did you have any? And if so, was gymming it enough to tone up?x
Hello! I don't mind you asking at all, I had a lot of loose skin on my stomach, back and bum so had a total body lift in april, best thing I have ever done :) one thing I will say tho is I waited a good year after getting to target to even think of applying because in that year my body completely changed, my arms toned up and legs and boobs have changed, it's like my body repositioned itself and got used to it's shape, very strange! But my tummy and back weren't going to improve on their own so I went for it xx


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Thank you Jessica, I just found your tummy tuck thread. Your stomach looks really good now. I have a lot of stretchmarks from my pregnancy, and unfortunately on top of my arms and thighs. Luckily, I have dark skin so it doesn't look immediately noticeable...but still, I know they are there. I have a little overhang on my tummy, but when I hold my stomach in, it lifts up quite a lot, so I wonder whether losing all the fat in the overhang (TMI) and running on my new treadmill everyday will help things. Will wait a while after all the weight is gone, and then reasess. If after a period of time, there is still loose skin, or the overhang doesn't budge I will go private for a tummy tuck. But I will concentrate on losing the weight first. To be honest, if I could look in the mirror and see a size 10. i would feel like the happiest woman alive even with an overhang lol! You must feel so good to wear skinny minny clothes now :-D