Gold Member
Ha, your girls are brilliant! Nate won't play away from me, if I'm cooking in he comes with his toys. He's very clingy. How was the bath?
I still have a lot of stretch marks on my tummy even after the op, they are worse now then before the op in guessing as the skin is pulled so tight, i originally wanted a tummy tuck but my surgeon basically refused and said only the full 360 would work as the loose skin went right round, it was a really tough ride and every complication imaginable I had but even after all that it's the best thing I've ever done, I didn't want it done so I could wear a bikini or show off my stomach, for me it was way more a mental thing, I just wanted to be normal and my tummy was a constant reminder of what I used to be, it's just the cherry on top of my weightloss cake!! I used to live in spanx and they're collecting dust in my knick drawer now haha!! Definitely exercise and do all you can along the way and reasses after you've reached your goal and I'm always here for chats and advice xxThank you Jessica, I just found your tummy tuck thread. Your stomach looks really good now. I have a lot of stretchmarks from my pregnancy, and unfortunately on top of my arms and thighs. Luckily, I have dark skin so it doesn't look immediately noticeable...but still, I know they are there. I have a little overhang on my tummy, but when I hold my stomach in, it lifts up quite a lot, so I wonder whether losing all the fat in the overhang (TMI) and running on my new treadmill everyday will help things. Will wait a while after all the weight is gone, and then reasess. If after a period of time, there is still loose skin, or the overhang doesn't budge I will go private for a tummy tuck. But I will concentrate on losing the weight first. To be honest, if I could look in the mirror and see a size 10. i would feel like the happiest woman alive even with an overhang lol! You must feel so good to wear skinny minny clothes now :-D
Bless him!! Girls go in their playroom for hours and play dress up or barbies or crafties, they are too cute, growing up far too quick though! Lily is 5 going on 14!! My bath was bliss, just painted my nails and going to watch a film in bed then sleep!! You ordered anything online yet? Here's a pic of the girls xxHa, your girls are brilliant! Nate won't play away from me, if I'm cooking in he comes with his toys. He's very clingy. How was the bath?
Aww bless him that's so cute. 20 mons is a gorgeous age, well all of them are but my nephew is 22 months and he has changed loads in last few months, properly chatting and getting a sense of humour. So cute!Thanks Scarlett. Jack is great, hes 20 months old now, talking so much and has a fantastic personality, makes us laugh every day and amazes us every day with the things he comes out with. He's looking forward to being a big brother I think, I had a niece and a nephew born in the last couple of months, who he adores, and he knows theres a baby in my tummy and keeps coming up to give it hugs and kissesthough he also seems to think there's a baby in his tummy too sometimes lol! I have 10 working days left at work and I cantwait to finish, im exhausted all the time and could really do with having a couple of weeks rest before baby boy comes xx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Scarlett when are you getting married? I'm getting hitched next year and already went dress shopping.. I need to lose the pounds! Its so nice all the baby talk...