20 somethings

Good luck for WI clare
Wowwee to the 5lbs off! Nate and I have a cold too, nearly better now, didn't stop him being a devil.
I am loving this weather but it makes me want to snuggled under blankets with hot chocolate and go baking. I love stews and casseroles too so that's good. Got a taster next week (a member wanted it for his birthday) and I have been looking at modifying a hairy biker cake recipe to make it a little lower syn AND been devising a banoffee cheesecake using chocolate hifi bars as the base, a thin layer of the caramel I have left over from the ice cream recipe in this months magazine, slice bananas, then mix quark, sweetener vanilla (or toffee) mullerlight and gelatin for the topping.

As you can tell I have a wee bit of a preoccupation with food....

What are you going to do with your day off jenna?

Mandy, I check myself at home too, sometimes mine will go up only to show a bigger loss later in the week.

I checked myself this morning and it is looking like a good loss this week. It is showing 16 stone 5.2lbs. I am hoping and praying that it shows as 16st 5lbs on Wednesday morning because i'll get my 4 stone award! All I am really aiming for is 2lbs which I am pretty confident I have lost.
Absolutely NOTHING :) I went to the post office this morning to return a costume that I didn't like for Halloween and then visited my grandparents (got £20 too haha...you're never too old for a wee note off granny) and now I'm curled up under my duvet on minimins...I do plan on watching the Hunger games at some point but that would mean getting out of bed and walking to the DVD player...oh the drama haha!
I forgot what my weight was last monday as I cant see my stats, I really should write them down not just on computer lol im now 17st7lb so reached my half stone finally :) I think thats either 4 or 5lb loss from last week which is suprising, I guess all that pasta helped!
Do you guys find you lose more if you do Red and Green rather than EE?

That's a fab loss, CH2b, well done!
I find it hard to do full red or green so I think I do mostly ee

Thanks 4.5lb is great considering the bad stuff I ate lol im just glad to break the cycle and get two losses in a row :)
I'm trying to break the cycle and lose more than 1lb! Lol! Although I only started properly again on Sunday and my weigh-in day is a Wednesday so I think this week I'll probably only lose 1lb, but hopefully next week I'll get a jucier loss :)

I do mainly EE because although we don't eat much meat, I have tuna for my lunch quite often.

I just ate half a punnet of the lushest strawberries ever - one of the best things about SW so far has been that through it, I discovered my local market and all the delicious fruit you can get there for next to nothing ^_^
Ch2b, that's if your loss is bang on 7lbs. It is bigger than any of my losses (best so far is 4lbs) so it is great, you'll have to bring pasta back to your parent's again.

Great that you have such a good market near by. I love stawberries, it'll be a shame when they are out of season again. :(

I can't wait until Wednesday so I know my proper weightloss for this week. It is so annoying having to wait to find out! I'm so impatient for waiting.
7lb is fantastic! Well done! I'm thinking I might do some SE days next week for a bit of a boost... I hate doing SE though lol but then again, if I don't do well this week, I'll need a major boost next week... SE it is!
Aw don't say that! I'm the type of person who just needs one tiny excuse lol
I have to admit even when i do ee i have 2 hex b's as i like to have 4 pieces of wholemeal bread lol still never hurt me though