Wowwee to the 5lbs off! Nate and I have a cold too, nearly better now, didn't stop him being a devil.
I am loving this weather but it makes me want to snuggled under blankets with hot chocolate and go baking. I love stews and casseroles too so that's good. Got a taster next week (a member wanted it for his birthday) and I have been looking at modifying a hairy biker cake recipe to make it a little lower syn AND been devising a banoffee cheesecake using chocolate hifi bars as the base, a thin layer of the caramel I have left over from the ice cream recipe in this months magazine, slice bananas, then mix quark, sweetener vanilla (or toffee) mullerlight and gelatin for the topping.
As you can tell I have a wee bit of a preoccupation with food....
What are you going to do with your day off jenna?
Mandy, I check myself at home too, sometimes mine will go up only to show a bigger loss later in the week.
I checked myself this morning and it is looking like a good loss this week. It is showing 16 stone 5.2lbs. I am hoping and praying that it shows as 16st 5lbs on Wednesday morning because i'll get my 4 stone award! All I am really aiming for is 2lbs which I am pretty confident I have lost.