Determination is Key
I had a LLETZ procedure for CIN 3 cells on my cervix. Had that in April, and since then I've been having bleeding (not heavy, but not just spotting either) about 3/4 times a week. Sometimes it's like an awful brown colour and sometimes, though not as often, it's a bright red. Apparently it's quite normal (I googled lol). I'm back for another smear next month, so I'll mention it to them, then. Also awaiting tests RE: endometriosis. I had my appendix out a few months ago and they found endometriosis on it. It's quite normal to find endometriosis on the ovaries or other places in the vacinity of the womb, but apparently quite rare to find it on the organs like the appendix. I suppose that could be another reason for the bleeds. I'm for sure not having periods, because I'm on the depo and I never have a period on that.
Seems all my womanly parts are giving up on me lol...good job I've had my three babies!
Seems all my womanly parts are giving up on me lol...good job I've had my three babies!