20 somethings

Thanks Sammy and hope your Ben has some luck too :) It's a tough time out there now as people who would have walked in to jobs in the past just aren't getting them as the standards are so high.

Wowsers Mandy, I can't believe the difference already, just imagine how confident you will feel when you get to target. Would love to spot you on The Voice one day :)

I want to lose weight to feel confident in myself and how I look. I also want to start a family one day but I want to be a healthy size before I do that so that's the bigger long term goal for me. I think my end of year goal will be realistic if 1.5stone and to be honest as long as I am close to target this time next year I really will be happy with the bit in the middle.

I can feel the difference in myself for a few days of eating badly as I feel really sluggish and bloated and I feel heavier so I think that is great motivation to get back on plan. When I go away I will have a breakfast (of the full english kind with a very small OJ plus some fruit) but for my tea and lunch I will do my best as picking healthy meals to limit the damage. The though of being slim is so exciting even if I still don't quite believe it. The next thing I want to do it buy some size 16 jeans and know they will fit so if I get that by the end of the year I will be so happy.

Forgot to ask, did you enjoy GBBO last night? I loved the ginger bread houses as that takes some talent :)
Wow mandy, what a difference! Though you still look glam on your before picture. I look like a child eater. Lol. No getting blotto this time. Ha, too many syns ;)

I did like it. Poor Catherine. She knew she was going. Brendon's creations are so funny. I think the lad who sliced his finger will be gone next.
Franalamadingdong said:
sammy, how did you upload it from your phone i seem only to get upload from your computer or url. so annoying i want to join in the before and after picture time...

If you're on the iPhone app when you press reply next to the send button is a + button and if you press that it gives you a few options to either upload from camera or photo albums. If you don't have the photos you want on your phone then go on your Facebook app if you have it, get the photo you want and press the button in the too right corner, there's an option to save the photo to your photo albums on your phone then you can add it from there :) xx
I have a HTC. I will see if I can get the app and try again. If I can't you'll just have to use your imagination. Haha

How's everyone's day going so far? I was waiting for my mum to watch my boy so I could go form the road and sort out the quails, after saying she would she then bogged off so by 11:30 I just brought him with me and let him cry when they flew around. Ended up having a banana, necterine and pear for breakfast while I was waiting. So having the pancakes for lunch now instead. Tea is going to be roast chicken. Yummy.
Such a big difference, Fran! You must be so delighted! Or are you like me, and can't really see a difference yet, unless you look at before and now pictures?
My day's been busy so far. Up at 6am, playing catch with Fia...groan...then got her bathed and dressed and fed, got her lunch sorted, got the other kids out to school, walked Fia to school, went to meet my Mam and then paid the bills and done the shopping. Just home now and I'm procrastinating on here because I don't wanna put it all away haha. Hopefully heading out after lunch to pick up a new dishwasher and dryer. But only if they'll do a deal with me and give me them both for 500, instead of 571. I'll try my best to bargain them down haha... it's gotta be done these days!

I had toast for breakfast with no superfree (gasp) cos I had none in, and I was in a hurry anyway. Lunch is going to be a veggie stir-fry... no idea about dinner yet.
I forget usually. The top I have on is a little big because I don't try PJs on and i forgot I needed a smaller size. Bumped into the neighbours who said my son had slimmed down and so had I. Nate has changed from baby to toddler since she last saw him.

Sounds like it is all go round yours. We just have boring house chores to do. Have to wait for tesco to arrive. Boo. But some of my son's new clothes have arrived so he will finally have warm things that fit. All his tops keep riding up his tummy. Catch sounds like fun, I imagine she makes you do it all the time then? We have just gotten back into puzzles. I only have 3 and he is so good at them I know what is getting added on to the Christmas list!
Cor blimey Fran...such a difference!! Loving the owl pj's top, you can't beat a good pair of PJ's. Is that your son with you?

I love these before and after pics from everyone, they're so good to see so thank you all so much for sharing.

I agree with about Catheryn as she was so nice but it was her time to go and I think John is the name of the cut hand guy and totally agree he is gone next week.

I tried today, I will be honest and say superfree wise all I had was a banana but I did try my best not to have too many syns and will try again tomorrow. Once I go shopping I will have some more fresh food in and not just frozen veg so can get the superfree up and you never know I might get a loss next week but I will settle for a STS
That's him on boxing day. I have a great picture of him in a washing basket from the other day. He wouldn't stay still so I put him in with the teatowels needing washing. haha. Pj top is from Primark. If you haven't got much superfree in how about having some red/green days, although the 1/3rd superfree is important it isn't as essential as it is on extra easy.

I did a roast chicken today, so proud of my boy, he finds spoons/forks difficult as we did a lot of babyled weaning (he choked on anything beyond first stage purees), but today he was making a real effort with his fork, though I mostly got the food on it he did the rest and gobbled it all up. He is so funny though, he ate all his carrots first then started going for mine before eating anything else. Carrots, cauliflower, broccoli stem, cabbage, potato and chicken.

Yes, john that's it. I am rubbish for retaining information. Got that hunted programme on now while my dad sits and eats nougat in front of me. Best get out the knitting!!!

Star, how is your work going now you are through the first few new job days?
How is everyone today? We've just been to toddler's where the kids got banana, apple, raisins and rice cakes and the adults got Victoria chocolate biscuits. I stayed away from them but thought it is funny how the kids got healthy snacks (most places they get a biscuit) but adults got chocolate. I'd rather have a banana with the kids!

I had a full flabbers before I went so I wasn't tempted at all. Got soup for lunch and burgers for tea. Yum.
Fran it's great that your boy will eat all his veggies! No bad relationship with food for him, huh? My kids are generally the same, I know how it felt when I was growing up being fat, so I try most times to give them good meals and only the occassional treat. It's hard sometimes with Fia though, when she's asking, and asking and asking for a cookie. lol

Well I finally finished the hat! It looks great. It did take me three attempts to get it right, as I just kept adding stitches by mistake, but I got it eventually. All the bits that were added on were fiddly, but it really does look very cute. I'll post a pic when my phone charges!

My day has been relaxed so far. I got up this morning and cleaned up while Fia was in playgroup (her Daddy brought her this morning and collected her too!) and then I sat down and finished the hat with some nice music playing. All chilled out. I got my new dishwasher and dryer, but now I have the old ones just sitting in the house, taking up space that I don't really have. I'm waiting on a girl to get back to me about my old dryer. I told her if she knows someone who can fix it for her, she can have it. And I'm trying to get rid of the dishwasher for parts...someone might need it. But if I don't have rid of them by tomorrow, I'm afraid I'm going to have to just put them out the back garden for a while, and I really, really don't wanna do that!
Fia's new hat!


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That hat is amazing! Yay for the new appliances. I take it they gave you a good deal. So jealous of your relaxed day. I've been out in the rain all afternoon. Plenty of body magic though. Bad news about my parents car though, so very stressful at home right now with arguments ap I am trying to strata clear else the anger gets turned onto me and Nate.

Is the hat for Christmas or will fia be getting it early?
I was too excited about the hat to wait. I gave it to her the minute it was finished... I was only disappointed that she didn't want to wear it to bed lol
I didn't realise you lived with your parents. That must be difficult. I know myself and my mother are practically best friends, but I don't think I could ever live with her again. I moved out when I was 16 and never moved back in. We just couldn't live together. Too similar I guess.
What happened to your parents' car?
Hi lovely ladies. There is so much to catch up on on here! Life has been crazy busy hence me not being around but I miss u all and need a big kick up the bum to lose some more pounds before Xmas hoping you will all oblige :) hehe

Hope your all well x

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Haha, so fia is the grown up one :p I moved out at 18 but moved back before having Nate, his dad is an utterly useless feck. It hasn't been too bad this evening which is a relief.

The car went funny on Sunday, mum said get it checked out on Monday, dad said it was nothing. Wednesday it broke down. The AA came after 2.5 hours. Mum said just get him to take us home, and take it to the garage tomorrow, but dad got him to try and fix it and signed a disclaimer saying if the AA man did any damage he wasn't liable. He has cause a few grand extra damage.... If dad took it to the garage on Monday like mum asked it'd been fixed easy... Now it is going to cost a lot.... Diamonds money.... Not good because mum is sick of dad not listening to her. He has managed to get the old rav4 working though, but it needs mot, tax, insurance, etc. It is looking like I will be walking to class or scabbing a lift off of another member on Wednesday.
Love the hat Mandy...I would wear it lol :) No one would know you are pretty much a new to it. Make me want to try crochet again...tine to get my hooks out and youtube in i think ;)

Work is going well thanks Fran, I am working as a buyer which is quite fun even though I have no experience of doing that before but when the agency told me about it I thought as it was only 3 months I'd give it a go :) I haven't had to do any negotiating thank fully as I am rubbish at haggeling (also can't spell it!!) but it's all experience for my CV come the new year :)

I moved out of my parents when I was 19 for a couple of years but moved back as I'd taken a loan for a car and was constantly in my overdraft as my bills we taking up about 70% of my (at that time) low income so I moved back there, got debt free and started saving...in that time I got a much better job and worked my way up until I was earning a good salary but then I went and spend most of my savings on another car as the first one was long gone by then and moving out again after a year and a half haha But thankfully now, even after almost six months out of work, I am in a goof position financially,when I moved out this time I knew I could afford it and still save. It helps that I live with my OH so the bills are split. I get on with my parents, so much that I am actually going on holiday with them and my gran parents, but my Mum does do my head in so I can only manage small doses.

I had to have my MOT this week and was dreading it as thought it would fail but it passed!!!!!!! That's 2 years in a row now and I am so happy with that for a car that is a 53 reg and has over 100k miles on the clock that is brilliant :D

Hey Jo - like Fran said you two have similar stats so see how well she is doing, it shows it can work and you can do it!!! Look at her before and after pics and that can be you too in no time :) Think of how good you'll feel when you get there. I know that is wha keeps me going...even though I have just had a week and a half of eating anything I wanted and the lot of it was high syns....
And it's the weekend!!!!!!! Why is it when you're knackered and think great it's saturday I can have a lie in I wake up at 7am every weekend and can not get back to sleep :( But still of OH ever gets up we might be able to do something.....