20 somethings

Sounds good! I'll change my stats then and we can spur each other on! I'm hoping to be at least in the 11's by Christmas and hopefully nearly at target by the time I go back to work on 24th January (2 days before my birthday!) xx
Sounds like the best birthday present ever!
xMandyDx said:
Sounds like the best birthday present ever!

It will be if I can do it! Certainly going to try my hardest! :) xx
Don't be disheartened if you don't manage it though, you should always have a "just in case" date lined up. I want to be at target for my daughter's Confirmation in March/April, but it's not looking so good, and I'm glad I had my "just in case" date lined up... my birthday in July.
Oh you will get there Sammy, you are doing stunningly well. I always forget the 12lbs I lost 2 weeks before joining. Mostly it's because mum told me it doesn't count. Ahh well. Wow you two must be your groups' stars! My group is mostly old ladies losing and regaining the same few lbs. We have lots of target members that come every week. Starting to get some more premenapausal women now! One lady lost 9 stone about 4 or 5 years ago for her wedding had 2 more kids and is back to lose it again, which is amazing. Most of us struggle with a couple of lb gain, to get back into it after that is stunning
I can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost all the weight and then had to lose it all over again. It's hard enough first time around! I'm not sure I'd have the will-power to do it all again. Think I'll be much more careful about maintaining.

I'm actually not a star in my group. There's a woman who joined in January, and has lost 5st so far. She went on holidays recently and put on a stone while gone, so we're within a few lb of each other now, but I have no illusions whatsoever that I'll ever outrace her lol
Oh, and the weight you lost before joining group absolutely DOES count! I lost 3lb by calorie counting the week before I joined, which meant that I joined SW at 17st 11lb, and am therefore always 3lb ahead of them in terms of goals and awards lol I got my 4st last night, but not my 4st award.
Where's your award? Hmm, that'd make me 4 stone 10 then? When did you join sw? 2 women joined the week before I did, both lost massive amounts their first week, and in general, but both have gone off the rails somewhat. Your 5st lady might be like that. It is all well and good to keep losing when you have good losses, but coming back, reigning it in and losing after gains is where the hard work lies.
My main aim is to be a size 12 so that I can start wedding dress shopping in the new year, so if I haven't quite met my target by the time I've found my dress I'll change my target to maintain at whatever I am as long as it's still a size 12 so that I can still fit the dress I buy. The last time I got into a size 12 I was 19 and I weighed 11 and a half stone which I think should be achievable if I carry on the way I'm going. The extra stone I want off is just to push me from 'overweight' into healthy for the first time ever :) so 10 stone 7lbs would be great, but 11st 7 will be fine until the wedding if needs be :) I still haven't decided if I'm buying a dress straight off from an outlet store or if I'm ordering it online. If I order it online then I'll have some extra time to lose that extra bit of weight and tone up a bit xx
Definitely count those 12lbs fran! :) xx
I don't get my SW award until I lose another 3lb lol it's annoying, cos when I get the awards it feels more real, but I know I've gotten that 4st off.
Fran you have to change your stats now as well! 4st 10lb is absolutely FRANtastic!
I must admit I did pop down to the shops the other night for a pack of smokes, and this lady's husband was in the shop with arm fulls of chocolate and sweets... don't think he was eating it all himself!

I actually planned and booked my wedding a couple of years ago. I was supposed to be married June gone by. But myself and himself had a "break". I think the pressure of weddings was getting to us both and we just weren't getting on. These days I'm happy to just see how things go. I had planned to shop for my dress in stores, pick the perfect one, and then order it online to save money haha
xMandyDx said:
I don't get my SW award until I lose another 3lb lol it's annoying, cos when I get the awards it feels more real, but I know I've gotten that 4st off.
Fran you have to change your stats now as well! 4st 10lb is absolutely FRANtastic!
I must admit I did pop down to the shops the other night for a pack of smokes, and this lady's husband was in the shop with arm fulls of chocolate and sweets... don't think he was eating it all himself!

I actually planned and booked my wedding a couple of years ago. I was supposed to be married June gone by. But myself and himself had a "break". I think the pressure of weddings was getting to us both and we just weren't getting on. These days I'm happy to just see how things go. I had planned to shop for my dress in stores, pick the perfect one, and then order it online to save money haha

That was my original plan too, I wanted to lose weight before trying dresses on so I could see what suited me and then buy it online. There's a site called lightinthebox.com who can make them to your specific sized for really cheap and I've had a few friends get dresses from there and they were lovely at a fraction of the cost. That's what in still planning to do but I'm fully aware that I might go to an outlet store and find a dress that's 'the one' and buy it on the spot lol so will depend on how my weight loss is doing before I start looking at dresses because once I find one I want if I buy it outright I have to make sure I'm happy to stay at that weight until the wedding then lol

I've updated my stats! :) its good to see the full figures on there :) I'll upload a photo if you want of me the morning I had my son and how I looked a few weeks ago :) a fairly big difference! Xx
If it applies I should change my stats too lol I was 19st in january lost a stone calorie counting before joining sw
This was 8 and a half weeks ago xx


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Change them ch! :) xx

Also, as I've just realised I can post photos from my phone, look at my gorgeous boy, 23 weeks old today! Xx


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Congrats on the loss Fran!!!! Also do try the Diet Coke chicken, it's really nice. Getting the sauce to the right consistency takes ages but it really is worth it.

Thanks for the congratulations guys on the job.

Because of being ill last week and having a weeks holiday this week from group I weighed myself at home....2lb on :( But I can get it off again and I think I just need to changed my end of year target to 1.5stone as I wilil struggle to get a stone off by christmas with going away and the last few days but I can get half a stone off and if I get any more I will be really happy :)

Sammy love the pics, you must feel great as you look amazing, not that you looked bad before but the change is brilliant and your son is so cute and I just want to give him a great big cuddle haha :)

Welcome back Clare we're probably going through the same thing with the temptation to go off plan so good luck :)
StarGir1 said:
Congrats on the loss Fran!!!! Also do try the Diet Coke chicken, it's really nice. Getting the sauce to the right consistency takes ages but it really is worth it.

Thanks for the congratulations guys on the job.

Because of being ill last week and having a weeks holiday this week from group I weighed myself at home....2lb on :( But I can get it off again and I think I just need to changed my end of year target to 1.5stone as I wilil struggle to get a stone off by christmas with going away and the last few days but I can get half a stone off and if I get any more I will be really happy :)

Sammy love the pics, you must feel great as you look amazing, not that you looked bad before but the change is brilliant and your son is so cute and I just want to give him a great big cuddle haha :)

Welcome back Clare we're probably going through the same thing with the temptation to go off plan so good luck :)

Aww thanks Hun, jack is such a cutie, no idea how ben and I managed to make someone sooo cute! Lol!

Dont think I've passed on my congratulations to you yet hunny, so congratulations hunny! Ben had an interview yesterday, really hoping he gets it as he's been out of work since November last year and we could really do with some extra income! Xx
CH it definitely applies! Change those stats!

Sammy, wow you look good! And that baby is just adorable.

Star, 2lb... it's 2lb, not two stone, so all is well. You were sick, and now you can concentrate on getting back on track. Why are you losing weight? Why are we all losing weight? It's good to remind yourself every now and then.

I'm losing weight for self-confidence. Last Easter I was in a competition (I sing) and I got so nervous that I got totally blotto and made a right pig's ear of my second song, which resulted in me being cut from the competition. I'm back in the same competition this year and I want a bit more confidence so I can stand on a stage in front of hundreds of people and sing the way I sing at home alone!
I eventually would like to enter X-Factor, but not too sure, since they seem to send home so many fantastic singers and keep the novelty acts. Perhaps the Voice would be a better option.
I also want to lose weight, because quite frankly I'm sick of all my friends (who are mostly male) saying "oh she's a cracker!" about some other girl. I wanna be a cracker too haha

I'll put up a before and during piccie! The first one is about a year and a half ago, and the second is this past July for my birthday :)


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Fingers crossed for Ben. Sammy, it is so funny when you start seeing their personality come through. Nate LOVES books and in the night garden. His cousin had some books and dolls from it and he loved them, he only sees the programme sometimes but he gets so excited when I do put it on. Jack looks so cute... And like a proper boy. We get the "gorgeous girl" compliments. Haha. The photos of you are great. My "before" photos are on my mum's computer and utterly hideous.

Thank you star. I think it is a good idea to make your target achievable. Just because my goal is 4.5 for x-mas doesn't mean I can't lose more, it also doesn't mean I will stop losing at christmas. So changing it to something that ois more achievable is great.

I think i'll leave my stats for now. I get bored of stone marks. At 2 stone 1 stone seemed like mother, at 3 stone 2 stone seemed like nothing, I don't want my official 4 stone feel like nothing before I get there. I think next time I go to the drs I will get my records updated again. Haven't had to go for ages thankfully. A lady hugged me today and said I was disappearing in front of them. it felt great. :) only annoying thing is after my dad gave me a lift home he grabbed my shopping and rushed in and told my mum before I had walked in with my boy. Grr
Mandy what a difference! You look great and you've done so well! Xx