20 somethings

Yeah, he gets a lot of fuss, blond curls and blue eyes. People keep saying I should get him into modelling but he so does NOT have the right temprement. Oh, I forgot to add the first picture, I knitted him that blue jumper :)
Hey jo :) how've you been?

Things might not be so easy with the flat we want to buy - must admit I'm majorly gutted if it doesn't work out!
Hi Jo, how are things with you?

Oh no Clare :( I hope it works out. No stress munching *wags finger*

I got Nate to pet a quail today. He both loves and is scared of them (only when they flap) so I was really pleased when I picked one up and he petted it. Normal kids get a hamster for a first pet, he gets 17 quail...

Had a heb of toast, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and an apple (and a bit of banana) for breakfast. Making chicken soup for lunch (chicken, stock, potato, carrot, onion, leeks and garlic) then cassoulet for tea should I be able to get some chicken thighs (tesco had none). I might do some mash with it, either potato and/or celeriac. But I WILL STOP BEING A PIG!
I'm actually feeling pretty good about the plan at the moment. At my mums it makes it pretty easy not to over eat 'cause she doesn't have all the crap I do in my cupboards!

Making chicken wrapped in bacon for dinner with veg. Not sure what to do for lunch. Doing pie & beans for the kids, maybe pasta for me.
hey everyone

Loving the pics so keep adding them whenever you want to :) Hope WI goes well Jenna. Your food sounds yummy Clare. Fran you have to get a pic of him with the quail, so cute!

Last night was my last night with OH for 3 weeks so we went out of a meal so back on plan from today....it's hard though as I feel so hungry and just want to eat all the time thanks to my lovely hormones!!! Trouble is I don't want to snack on fruit, I just want stodge so I am having to work around that but I will do it as I want to get as much off over these next 2 weeks as I can.

Have been a bit lazy this morning and haven't had breakfast yet so am going to have that for lunch (bacon, eggs, mushrooms and beans or tomato) and I have 2 pork chops for tea which I am going to have with mash, loads of veggies and a spoon of apple sauce, This week I am going back to basics and I am going to write a food diary again, I haven't done one for ages and I need to or I'll just eat whatever.

I have to remind myself when I get tempted to overeat with syns that I will be having a week off effectivly when I go away and again at xmas so just wait for those so it's a treat rather than the norm as that's how 'normal' people would eat

As there are a couple of knitters on here do any of you know where I can get some cheap chunky wool? Everywhere I have looked it's so expensive!
Lol, it could have been your body magic :p we just went for a walk, first bit of exercise for a week as snoop has been too poorly. A half hour walk took an hour with everyone stopping to chat! Argh. Home in time to get the cassoulet I prepared earlier in the oven and the dogs "crisps". Had a pear and an apple. Not over eaten yet today. Woop. It isn't the syns I scoff too much of it is free/superfree foods, still all has calories in unfortunately. I might have a sneak peak at the scales this evening as it is midweek of my weigh in.

Where is your OH off to? Well done on re-focussing. I am just trying to stop eating double dinners! Haha. As for wool, it depends on brand, what it is made of and if there are any sales on. Also how much you need, sometimes you can get things cheaper by buying in bulk. I have had good service and wool from the black sheep wool company, but I often buy from ebay as a lot of craft stores have an eBay selling account
You're right...just because they say you can eat as much free/superfree as you like isn't really true as you have to get a handle on your portion sizes eventually too but it's better to overeat on that kind of food rather than junk etc. My trouble is I just want cake at the moment :( I am trying to resist but it's so hard.

Glad you got yourself a bit of body magic in, other than going to the bins I haven't even been out today!! Thank you for your tip on the wool, that site is really affordable esp. in the sale. I just want as much chunky wool as I can get for as little as possible, I don’t really mind what it’s made of or the brand at the moment as it’s just for by massive patchwork blanket

He has gone to Dubai for work and is being spoilt rotten by flying first class and staying in a 5* hotel!!! Don't know what he is doing out there (better I don't ask as I don't really understand it!) but he will be working long hours and because of the time difference and hours I'll not be able to speak to him so it's going to be a tough couple of weeks, we can email but it's not the same. Then on the day he comes back I go away for a week and we miss each other by half an hour!! I miss him when he goes away but I would never begrudge him doing this as he gets to see some amazing places in a luxury we could never afford.

Plus I just have to cook for myself so there is a better chance of me sticking to plan than when he is here as I feel I have to make food he wants (like pie!) and now I can have what I want.

My aim is to get 3lbs off over the next 2 weeks
Whoo hooo! :) I just went to Asda and thought I'd try on a coat, not expecting to get into the size 16 I wanted to because only 2 months ago I couldn't even get into a size 18, but not only did I get into a 16, I EASILY got into a 16 and now actually fit a size 14!!! I'm so happy! Plus I tried on some size 14 jeans and got into those easily too! I'm so happy!! :) so I've lost 4 dress sizes in the last 5 and a half months!! xx
Oh Sammy that is fabulous! I am SO pleased for you! You must have been dancing in the changing room!

Star, very jealous of your OH right now. Mum has been going on and on about new York, despite knowing I have wanted to go for about 5 years but never had time/money/too scared of crowds. Today she said when Nate is older me and her could go, and Nate could look after Grandad, haha. It won't happen but I am glad she has realised although I am happy for her I do wish she'd rub it in a little less.

Dreading weigh in on Wednesday :( I was doing so well then it went crap again. I will just be cooking for myself and Nate as of Friday. The new magazine is in group from Monday so i will buy it on Wednesday then do the planner in it from Friday. It will be red and green so fingers crossed even if I gain this week I will pull it back in the next couple of weeks. Today I didn't even finish my dinner and I have had 3 syns for today. I WILL get back on track and stop eating everything in sight!
Yup! I was doing a good old bum wiggle in celebration in the changing room! :) can't believe I fit into a 14 already, it's amazing! xx
Congrats Sammy, that's great news :)

Me too, but it means I have a lot of time to get on with my knitting and can watch anything I want on TV!!! He really wants to go to New York too but the thing that puts me off is crowds, I don't even like London because of that, my passport expires next week and I don't plan to renew it so I will be UK bound for a very long time, but I like that as we have some amazing places with a mixture of coast and countryside that is hard to beat...if only we had the weather!! I went for a walk this evening as I thought it'd do me good and it'd get me some body magic in and it was very chilly and Autumn is here as the leaves are all going yellow.

I am going to try and have under 5 syns per day over the next couple of days to make up for last night and I am hoping for some nice meals. SW is so easy to follow and has so many options that I am sure I can do it!
It really does. I'm having Monday and Tuesday as red days now, tomorrow will have to be extra easy, it is just Nate and I so we're having leftovers. Monday is chicken pizza (chicken as a pizza base) so could use a b choice on a potato, and Tuesday is chunky chilli, so I can so rice for everyone else and a heb potato for me. There is an Italian chicken soup I like that is free on red so I will do that for lunch. I checked myself on the scales and it says I gained 3.5lbs in 3 days... I have bloated up by 2 inches (hips sts) so hoping I can fix it, 3.5lb gain seems bizarre for what i have had (even in having 2 dinners) I haven't had over 12000 extra cals (my size means 2368cals a day with light activity would be a maintain)

You are right, it is freezing. Clear skies here tonight. Brr. No need to do any cooking tomorrow so might do a couple of short walks (uphill). it is lovely here, red and yellow leaves... I have only seen brown ones for years...

Tv to yourself is great, I have stuff on record I can catch up on (yay) and I can pop a programme on for Nate whenever I like. I will be sorting out the chickens too, so marching 1.5-2 acres there and back twice a day should help.

I hope being smaller will make me less scared in crowds, I doubt it, but i hope it does. London is big and scary when you get mobbed in a crowd. I want to go to bath and beer, which are both near by, but with 1 bus an hour getting anywhere is a headache.
We had hail stones here today! It was pelting it down with hail and rain, awful! Winter is definitely on its way! xx
Claree__x said:
Hey jo :) how've you been?

Things might not be so easy with the flat we want to buy - must admit I'm majorly gutted if it doesn't work out!

Franalamadingdong said:
Hi Jo, how are things with you?

Hi ladies I'm good thanku. Having a nice chilled out Sunday which I haven't done in a while so it grand :)

Hope your all having good Sundays.

Great news on the trip to asda sammy :) x

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I've been very, very bad.

Went to WI on Tuesday, and despite having a wonderful week, and watching portion sizes and everything, I STS. Devestated, I didn't even stay to group, instead making up an excuse to leave. On the way home, fighting tears, feeling like crap, I decided that if I wasn't going to see the scales move with all my hard work, I'd see them move by being bad. So I got home and ate, and ate, and ate. I continued eating right up until last night, when I ordered a 15" pizza and managed to eat most of it, resulting in my being too sick to even sleep!
So I'm back on plan today, and after weighing myself this morning it looks like the scales have indeed moved... about 4lb up. I really did eat and eat. I had baguettes, breaded chicken, lots of cheese, sweets and chocolate galore, birthday cake, chinese, pizza, you name it.
Got a call from my doctor on Thursday evening about the results of all those tests. Nothing wrong with my thyroid, nothing wrong with my vitamin levels, or my liver/kidneys. I do have some form of bacterial infection "down there", which hopefully will be sorted out with the antibiotics I'm on. No bleeds the past two days, which is good news, but I think my body is gone into shock with all the food I've been forcing into it.
I was so stuck on self-destruct mode that I refused to even come on here for a look. I wouldn't look at the SW page on FB nor even think about what I was eating. But it's over now, it's done. Hopefully, with two days to WI left, I can get some healthy food into me, drop all the retained water from the naughty food and scrape back a lb or two, leaving me with a 2lb gain. We shall see. Either way, I'm done. I'm back. I'm moving forward. I have to be aware of triggers like that, although in fairness, I had been telling myself for 4 weeks or more that I'd "see it next week" on the scales. And it all just got too much when I never did.

Anyway... moving on.