No I live in London at the min but we cant afford to stay here any longer so the OH is trying to transfer to Manchester, he's got an interview tomorrow so we're going up there this afternoon, then thought we'd stay over the w/e and check out Manchester, see if we like it there and what bits are OK to live in and stuff, so we've got different B&Bs in different areas.
Ive had an aversion to bladdy Manchester all me life tbh (being from t'other side o' Pennines

) but to be fair Ive only really been there for gigs & stuff so never seen anything except concrete and rain. (Well OK so 90% of it is probably concrete & rain but Im sure the other 10% is nice really...

Yup grilled chicken in tomatoes with salad or boiled rice is where its at this w/e. I know his colleague is taking us out though so dunno where we'll end up, pizza place, Indian? Ive got a pack up of free hummus, carrots, Quorn slices, fruit & stuff to take on the train tonight, we dont get there til about 9 so too late to be eating then anyway really, so hopefully got today covered
Right off to jump in shower now else Ill never get on the bladdy train!