Hi all, yes reallu enjoyed fish and chips Jane
Ive had a poop few days diet wise

so much so im showing 5 lbs gain!!! Really struggling with the no smoking for the last 3 days and my sts on friday really peeved me off!
Had to sit and have a good old think yestetday and was getting so upset about it all!
Smoking wise ( or non smoking!) im 22 days in, havent crumbled so far and know this is a great life change which I will benefit greatly from ( even if my head does keep saying have a cig have a cig!) some of the 22 days have been hell and wouldnt want to have got through them just to have a cig nearly a month in!
Not smoking is obviously affecting my weight loss in some way, which is a poo thing because mu health is going to benefit. Greatly from losing weight aswell!
So, heres the plan... No cigs, no slip ups with food just because im craving a cig. If I lose weight then fab.... If I sts for a few weeks then fine, better than a gain! Hopefully within a couple/few months I will be a lot further on my quit journey and focassing less on cravings!
The fact that ive already losy nearly 3 stone added to the 2 stone I managed to keep off from before my pregnancy, im already doing my body some justice ( i hope)
Also went shopping yest and brought two pairs trousers in size 20 and can do them up!! Little bit fit where they touch but am so pleased! Triednon some jeans in a 20 and they were big!
So onwards I go, no cigs no slips ( well maybe a voddy on a fri nite lol)... Might be here foe the duration if weight keeps sts lol
Hope u are all well.. Oh and gonna try red and ee this week.. Think prob ee is gonna be easier to work with as we have xupboards full of green day foods lol x
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