20 to 19 stone?

Eeek I am literally the worst person for holiday eating advice as I never stick to plan 100% like ever lol.

If I'm generally eating well etc I try to be as good as I can I.e no gorging on crisps and chocolate etc but when it comes to meals I generally just eat what I want with an "I'm on holiday" attitude. I do the same at Xmas lol, it's bad

But the fact you love seafood is great because those things will make good snacks and hopefully distract from other things that are bad for plan.

The other thing I try to do on hols is walk as much as possible. Very rarely take buses trains or taxis just try to walk everywhere. Like last weekend we were in London and I most certainly didn't eat healthy (but wasn't back on plan yet) but we did walk something like 35 miles in 3 days so I think that helped.

It prob sounds nonsense but since about Oct last year I haven't really been on plan at all, I would still cook mostly the SW way even when not on plan but was eating junk a lot too and just not trying, but that while time till now I've only gained 5lbs and hand in heart if I had to guess how I've kept it off I'd say walking.

Deary me I certainly know how to ramble on so I hope at least some of that was helpful lol!
LOL very good advice and I like a ramble. :D
Annoyingly walking is a problem as I have bad arthritis in my knees (hospital tomorrow to tell me what I already know, they've had it. :eek:) My doctor was saying its a vicious circle, weightloss would help arthritis but arthritis stops you being able to exercise. I'm sure we'll find a way.

When all said and done, though, I'm rather like you in the 'its a holiday, enjoy myself' attitude. :p My mum has made it clear I'm not to talk syns or SWorld on hols. :eek:
My own fault really. We went to Nandos for dinner a bit ago and I annouced the syns of everything that went in her mouth, cheerfully telling her how she'd had the highest things on the menu. Me and my mouth. :eek:
hehehe, I have fruits with me too. And after work on my way home I always eat one apple, so I wont run to fridge as soon as I step into house =)
Awww you come back to visit us destamia. :) I keep looking at the lovely colour of your 4 stone award. I want one! :D

Completely forgot, WI this morning and I STS. Actually I lost 0.25lb but I don't work I in quarters. Considering all my worrying yesterday I am truly happy with that result. I had it in my mind that I'd be back in the 21's although I don't know why. My diary didn't show me being over syns. Mind tricks I think because I'm worrying I'll put on too much when I go away.
Isn't it silly. Not like I can't control that if I choose to.

Having a go at making Turkey Meatballs from the A Girl Called Jack cook book. Think I've worked the synage out now. I'm currently working my way through my cook books making margin notations of the SW values so I have lots of menu choices. AGCJ book works in very well with SW if you cut down on the oil useage and dry fry more and oven bake. Its pretty healthy too. My doc will be thrilled. :D
Aww Ellie I totally feel for you, my mum is in the same boat, she has really bad arthritis in her knees and feet which makes it really hard to exercise. Luckily for mum she's been slim her whole life (wish I'd taken after her)! But I think it definitely makes getting and staying trim harder. Can you swim? My friend was saying swimming can be really good for people with joint problems or even water aerobics as it takes the pressure off the joints. I used to do water aerobics last year for a while until the leisure centre closed for refurb - and i loved it. I felt really worked out and toned but the actual class seemed easier at the time cos of the water. I really must get back at it.

Well done on STS especially cos you were so worried plus you've stayed in this zone Try not to worry too much about the hols, just have a great time with you're mum (no syn talk) then just get back on it 100% when you get back

Ps Turkey meatballs sounds yum!! I love turkey but only ever seem to have it at Xmas which is a sin - pardon the pun lol
Dawn the turkey meatballs were really bland although I loved the texture of them. Quite weird in that you only use a little bread to lighten the meatball mix and the rest is lightened with washed baked beans that you mash after simmering for 5 mins and then add into the mix. Once I've worked out a better flavouring for them, which I think will be chilli, lime and ginger, then they should be great and SW friendly. I shall have an experiment. :D

Sadly swimming is also out for me, even if our pool wasn't closing. I've even had to resort to using a wheelchair for getting about, which is ridiculous at my age but all that could be changing soon. Met with a surgeon today who seems quite confident that I can turn things around and get healthy enough for new knees eventually.
I tried to down play the dodgey hip but he picked up on the ropey elbow. I could end up bionic! I could practically see him doing a mental shopping list of the bits I would need. :D

If I was you I'd definitely try and take up swimming again. Years ago I lost around 4st to get to target (if only now!) and I got totally toned up through swimming 80 lengths 3 times a week. I loved it.
Aww that's a shame but wow chilli lime and ginger could be just the kick they need!! I love that combo you'll have to let me know how they turn out when you've had a play around with them

Oh Lordy that's a lot of parts! Sounds like he's got a good plan in place though! Fingers crossed all goes well and before you know it you'd be up and about again. My boyfriends mum recently had her hip done and the change in her is remarkable already after only 8 or 9 weeks I think! When you're all sorted you'll have to be careful going through airport security once you're the bionic woman lol.

Definitely Ellie that's the plan, I love to swim so I know it's something I can stick at. I did a bit of research yesterday and found out there's a leisure centre just up the road from my bfs house that has a pool and does all the classes I love. Membership is £25 a month which is cheaper than the £37 I paid with my old gym that closed so I've no excuses gotta get my bum in gear lol!
Would the classes be included in the £25 per month or are the extras? Sounds really good value just for the swimming if its limitless.

Is it sad of me that when the doc was speaking about the knee replacements I instantly wondered if they would be heavier than bone or lighter, a pro or con when it comes to WI. :eek:
I could for years to come be saying, 'yes I am carrying a little bit of extra weight, its the knee replacements you see.'' :p The perfect excuse, although no one will believe they weigh a few stone!
Apparently the £25 covers everything except archery and spin - neither if which appeal to me anyhow so Yeay! I have no excuse, gonna pop in at the weekend at sign up

Aw no not at all that's good thinking lol! I'd probably be thinking the same 'hmm here's hoping it's aluminium cos that's super light' lol. I even look forward to a haircut incase it helps me lose a pound haha!
Hubbs said the same about the alluminium. Its got my hopes up. :D

I'm the same with you when it comes to weigh in. Off with everything I can. Never wear jewellery when on the scales. When I was at WW years ago the queue for the loo was a mile long and the consultant doing her nut because none of us would weigh in till we'd had our 'last chance' wee. :eek:
Hehe great minds think alike eh Ellie! Lol.

Oh I'm the same, I did Rosemary Connolly years ago and all the ladies were the same, last chance per, jacket and shoes off etc. so funny the way we all think the same.

Because I'm doing it from home I do the same thing every week, WI first think Friday morning, no clothes right before shower. All because I hear we are lighter first thing, no idea if there's much truth in it but that's what I do lol
Exactly the same routine here, Dawn, except mine is on a Monday morning.

I also get this notion in my head that if I were to shower first my body would weigh more as it might cling onto some of that moisture. Same rule to having a bath and then weighing in. Comes from doing science and watching osmosis occurring when we had to leave a slice of carrot in water and then measure and weigh it each day. If it makes a carrot heavier and bigger than it must me!

I'm so envious of you sighing up for the swimming pool. Its a little frustrating not being able to do any really energetic exercise to help my weight loss but I'll keep trying my best to do the exercises for my upper body. My time will come if I get those new knees. :D
Lmao! @ the carrot in water!! That's made my morning Ellie lol. But I agree I get things like that into my head too, and I think that cos I've got long kind of thick hair if it gets wet it'll add a few pounds lol.

Aww don't worry hopefully it won't be long before you can get signed up and you'll be swimming away. I've got to go get a new swim suit as I can't for the life of me find mine, but I'd been wanting a new one anyway as the old one didn't exactly have the best ahem 'bust support' lol.

Getting nervous/excited now for WI tomorrow! I'm hoping desperately to lost that 5lb I gained during my hiatus - I know that's prob expecting a bit much so realistically if I could get 2lbs off and get back into the 19's I'd be happy!

How's your week been?
You're so near your 19's. Holding my breath for you tomorrow. ;)

I'm having a funny week. Some great days but others when I've messed up a bit. Don't really think I've over done the eating but it just feels that way. I can't weigh in Monday as I'm away but will on Saturday, a couple of days early, just so I can see exactly what I put on while I'm on hols. :D
Morning Ellie!

I managed to get 2lbs off this week so I got into the 19's Yeay! I was initially a tiny bit disappointed but then thought oh well a loss is a loss, least I'm in the right direction again!

I get weeks like that too, I sometimes go from being 100% one day to chocolate and crisps for lunch the next :( lol but you should have a great time when you're away anyhow! I love the seaside. I know a girl who still has fish from chippy every now and again but takes the batter off....good for her cos no way if have that will power it's the best part lol!

Don't worry though I'm saving you a seat next to me in the next room!! :)
WELL DONE! :woohoo:So pleased for you. What an achievement, being a 'teen' again. :D

Really hoping I'll be able to take up that seat next to you soon. I'll have to be extra specially good when I come home after the hols.

With you on the batterless fish. I've been known to leave some fish and eat all the batter but never the other way. I did consider strip off the batter first next week but, like you, thought whats the point. Its the batter I'm after. :drool:
Thanks Ellie!

I'm all chuffed, I definitely NEVER want to see 20 on the scale Ever again so I gotta keep ploughing forward lol. Oh don't you worry I know it won't be long til you're in there with me, enjoy your hols and you can come back fighting your way down :)

We had a team lunch today today and it was at a Chinese restaurant :0 but somehow I managed to somewhat 'behave', had chicken in blackbean sauce with boiled rice. It was yummy and (5syns) I think? Oh well it was great!

Making a slimming world cottage pie tonight so can't wait :)
You picked a good choice. Think its just about the lowest isn't it? I know we're having a chinese takeaway one night next week so I've already picked the chicken chow mein as I know thats low too and love it.

Got to weigh in early tomorrow morning as can't on Monday. Not so sure what that will bring. Its been a mixed bag of good and not so good days. Least I'll get my weigh in out the way for a week. :D
Im so happy. I was scared to slip back in 20 stone this week as I had been naugthy but yeyy - 2 more lbs gone. Im so so happy.

Good luck tomorrow morning Ellie. We are waiting for you in next room :)
Oooh me too I love chicken chow mein. I seen a recipe on you tube for home made on I'd like to try to make sometime!

Good luck for the weigh in Ellie I'm sure it'll be grand!

And well done on your loss destamia :)